RULE 36. Line Extensions in New Subdivisions or Allotments. The developer of any new subdivision or parts thereof, shall install all water mains, fire hydrants, valves and fittings at his expense. Lines from the main line to the curb box, also designated as taps, will be installed by the Utility Department at the developer's expense. Tap prices are available at the Utility office. Fire hydrants with watch valves must be approved by the Village Administrator. Only standard hydrants and valves used by the Utility Department will be approved. All work performed shall be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Village Administrator and the Utility Superintendent.
   RULE 37. Line Extensions in Older or Established Subdivisions. Line extensions in previously established subdivisions having no water service must be petitioned for by the adjoining lot owners, and will be installed on an assessment basis. Main line curb box service lines must be paid in advance by the property owners at the established rate. No extension of a water main will be approved for less than the entire frontage of the application or applicators' property and the necessary length from the existing main to that frontage, unless by other approved means. Eight inches is the established minimum size water line. Pipe, fire hydrants, valves appurtenances must be approved by the Utility Superintendent and cost of materials will be the water line contractor's obligation. All work must be inspected by an authorized agent of the Village. Lines shall be laid with a minimum of four feet earth cover. street grades shall not be lowered after water installation. Line location and grade shall be approved by the Village Administrator and the Utility Superintendent. Where deemed necessary by the Village Administrator and Utility Superintendent, main shut-off valves shall be placed in a manhole per Village specifications.
(Ord. 39-86. Passed 10-6-86.)