RULE 15. Inspectors, meter readers or employees of the Utility Department whose duty it may be to enter upon private premises to examine meters, pipes or other fixtures used in connection with the Village water supply, shall be equipped with proper credentials, as the Utility Superintendent may deem necessary to identify them as agents of the Utility Department. Such authorized inspectors, meter readers or employees of the Utility Department must have free access at all reasonable hours to all parts of the building for the purpose of inspecting meters, examining fixtures and observing the manner in which the water is used. In case an authorized inspector, meter reader or employee is refused admittance to any premises, or is hindered or prevented from making such examination, the water will be turned off and not turned on again until free access is given.
RULE 16. The Utility Department reserves the right to remove a meter from any premises and substitute another in its place for purposes of testing and repairing.
RULE 17. The Utility Department will on its initiative undertake to test and correct any meter which in its judgment is registering incorrectly, without the consent of any consumer.
RULE 18. Upon written request from an owner or consumer, any five-eighths or three-fourths inch meter will be removed and tested for accuracy at the meter department shop. The test may be made in the presence of the owner or consumer, if requested. If the meter tests with two percent (2%) plus or minus on all streams above twenty gallons per minute and within ten percent (10%) minus on one-half gallon per minute, the established tolerance limits, the meter is functioning properly and a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will be made for the test. Should the test show the meter registering in favor of the Utility Department, an adjustment will be made in favor of the owner or consumer. If the test shows the meter to be registering in favor of the owner or consumer, the water consumed and not registered will be estimated and charged for accordingly. No charge will be made for the test of meter if the meter is registering incorrectly.
(Ord. 39-86. Passed 10-6-86.)
RULE 19. Meters larger than five-eighths by three-fourths inch shall be returned to the manufacturer for testing and repair at the consumer’s expense.
The Village retains ownership of all meters and remote readers. All commercial accounts with water meters 2 inch in size or larger are required to be tested per AWWA recommendation as follows: 2 to 3 inch meters are to be tested every 3 years; 4 to 5 inch meters tested every 2 years; 6 inch meters and larger every year. The property owner will be responsible for contracting at his own expense with a Village approved testing firm. The firm will test for the accuracy of the meter and report in writing to the Public Works Department. Such report is to be received by the Public Works Department no later than May 1, of the appropriate time frame for the above mentioned testing schedule of meter size effective in 2005. (Ord. 20-05. Passed 4-18-05.)