All uses within U7 Light Industrial Park Districts shall comply with performance standards regulating noise, vibration, smoke and particulate matter, toxic gases, fumes and vapors, dust and dirt, odorous matter, glare and heat, fire and safety hazards, electrical disturbance and radioactivity, effluent discharge and disposal of hazardous waste materials as established herein:
(a) Noise. Every use shall be operated so as to comply with the maximum performance standards governing noise as set forth below:
Octave Bands (Cycles Per Second) | Maximum Permitted Sound Along Property Lines (Level in Decibels) |
Octave Bands (Cycles Per Second) | Maximum Permitted Sound Along Property Lines (Level in Decibels) |
0 to 75 | 69 |
Over 75 to 150 | 54 |
Over 150 to 300 | 47 |
Over 300 to 600 | 41 |
Over 600 to 1,200 | 37 |
Over 1,200 to 2,400 | 34 |
Over 2,400 to 4,800 | 31 |
Over 4,800 | 28 |
(b) Vibration. No activity shall cause or create a steady state vibration at any point on any lot line, with a displacement for the frequencies as set forth in the following table. Also, no activity shall cause or create an impact vibration at any point on any lot line, with a displacement in excess of the permitted impact vibration displacement for the frequencies as set forth in the following table:
Maximum Permitted Steady State Vibration Displacement
(In Inches)
Frequency (Cycles Per Second) | Barely Perceptible |
Frequency (Cycles Per Second) | Barely Perceptible |
10 and below | .0008 |
11 to 20 | .0005 |
21 to 30 | .0003 |
31 to 40 | .0002 |
41 to 50 | .0001 |
51 to 60 | .0001 |
61 and over | .0001 |
Maximum Permitted Impact Vibration Displacement
(In Inches)
Frequency (Cycles Per Second) | Barely Perceptible |
Frequency (Cycles Per Second) | Barely Perceptible |
10 and below | .0016 |
11 to 20 | .0010 |
21 to 30 | .0006 |
31 to 40 | .0004 |
41 to 50 | .0002 |
51 to 60 | .0002 |
61 and over | .0002 |
(c) Smoke. Any emission of visible smoke of a shade darker than No. 1 on the Ringelmann Smoke Chart, as published by the United States Bureau of Mines, is prohibited, except for visible gray smoke of a shade not darker than No. 2 on said chart, which may be emitted for not more than four minutes in any thirty-minute period.
(d) Air Pollution. The emission from all sources within any lot areas, during any one-hour period, of particulate matter containing more than ten percent by weight of particles having a particle density larger than forty-four microns is prohibited.
(e) Toxic Gases, Fumes and Vapors. The emission of toxic gases, fumes and vapors shall be so controlled that no concentration at or beyond lot lines shall be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or other aspects of occupants and adjacent residents or cause damage or injury to property.
(f) Odorous Matter. No operation or activity shall release materials capable of becoming odorous, either by bacterial decomposition or chemical reaction, or that cause or will cause odorous matter or vapor to be generated or occur so as to be readily detectable without instrument at any point along the boundaries of each parcel or lot.
(g) Dust and Dirt. The drifting or airborne transmission beyond the lot line of dust, particles or debris from any open stockpile shall be unlawful and may be summarily caused to be abated.
(h) Glare and Heat. Any operation producing intense glare or heat shall be performed within an enclosed building or behind a solid fence or wall in such a manner as to be undetectable without instruments from any point along the lot lines.
(i) Fire and Safety Hazards. The storage, handling and use of flammable or explosive materials shall be permitted only in structures having incombustible exterior walls, and all operations in connection therewith shall be provided with adequate firefighting and suppression equipment and devices standard to the operation involved.
(j) Electrical Disturbance and Radioactivity. Each use shall be so operated as to prevent the emission of quantities of radioactive materials in excess of limits established as safe by the United States Bureau of Standards.
(k) Effluent Discharge, Radioactive and Hazardous Waste. Radioactive materials shall not be emitted to exceed quantities established as safe by the U.S. Bureau of Standards. Liquid wastes shall not be discharged into an open reservoir, stream or other open body of water, or into a sewer, unless treated or controlled so that the amount of solid substances, oils, grease, acids, alkalines and other chemicals shall not exceed the amount permitted by other codes of the State, the County or the City.
(Ord. 159-1990. Passed 5-21-90.)