TITLE NINE - Zoning Use Districts
         Chap. 1351.   U1 Single-Family House Districts.
         Chap. 1353.   U2 Two-Family House Districts.
         Chap. 1355.   U3 Apartment House Districts.
         Chap. 1356.   U3E Elevator Apartment House Districts.
         Chap. 1357.   U3EL Senior Citizens Use Districts.
         Chap. 1358.   ASF Attached Single-Family Districts.
         Chap. 1359.   U4, U5 and U6 Business and Industrial Districts.
         Chap. 1360.   U5 Commercial Districts. (Repealed)
         Chap. 1361.   U6 Industrial and Manufacturing Districts. (Repealed)
         Chap. 1362.   U7 Light Industrial Park Districts.
         Chap. 1363.   U8 Office Building Districts.
         Chap. 1364.   C-I Campus Institutional District.
         Chap. 1365.   Overlay Districts.
         Chap. 1368.   Conditional Use Approval Procedures and Regulations.