   Preliminary and final site development plans shall be prepared by the developer for all proposed developments in any U7 Light Industrial Park District and shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval.
   (a)   Plans Required. Plans for a development shall be drawn at an appropriate scale and shall include the following:
      (1)   Survey. Property and topography, showing land owned and proposed for development, the surrounding streets, adjoining streets and adjoining lots and their uses;
      (2)   Buildings. Location, size, height and use of all proposed main and accessory buildings, the general design, materials and colors, and the nearest buildings on adjoining lots and their uses;
      (3)   Traffic. Proposed system of on-site vehicular circulation, details of accessways to streets, methods for control of traffic and types of pavement;
      (4)   Parking areas. Layout and estimate of the number of spaces, landscaping and other design features and types of pavement;
      (5)   Utilities. Location, size and grade of all utility installations and connections to present or proposed facilities;
      (6)   Site development. Grading plan, designs of landscaped yards, planting areas and fence screens adjoining residential areas, the size, location and type of all outdoor signs, and exterior lighting; and
      (7)   Agreements. Preliminary drafts of all agreements, contracts, dedications, deed restrictions, sureties and other instruments as may be required.
   (b)   Approval of Plans. A preliminary development plan designed in accordance with the planning standards, regulations and criteria established in this chapter and elsewhere in these Codified Ordinances shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner for review and approval.
      If the preliminary development plan, together with any modifications thereof proposed by the developer, is found by the Building Commissioner to be in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and any other applicable parts of these Codified Ordinances, including the architectural review procedures and Subdivision Regulations, he or she shall approve such preliminary development plans within forty days from the date of the meeting when all required plans and data were received. If not found to be in compliance therewith, the plans will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for any required variance, approval or disapproval.
      Upon approval of the preliminary development plan, the developer shall prepare and submit to the Building Commissioner a final development plan, which shall include the final grading plan and detailed plans and specifications for all streets, storm and sanitary sewers, water distribution and all other site features designed in accordance with this chapter and all other applicable chapters of these Codified Ordinances.
      Upon receipt of the final development plan, the Building Commissioner shall transmit a copy of this plan, including detailed construction plans and specifications, to the City Engineer for his or her review and recommendations. The City Engineer shall, within forty days of receiving the final development plan, provide to the Building Commissioner a report on the development plan's compliance with those regulations within the jurisdiction.
      If, after evaluating the Engineer's report, the Building Commissioner finds that the proposed final development plan is in accordance with and represents a detailed expansion of the preliminary plan heretofore approved, that it is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable chapters of these Codified Ordinances, and that it complies with all of the conditions which may have been imposed in the approval of the preliminary plan or in the review of the final plan by the City Engineer, the Building Commissioner shall approve such final plan within thirty days.
      After approval, the developer may apply for a building permit, which shall be issued by the Division of Buildings.
   (c)   Revision and Lapse of Approval. The final development plan may be revised by the developer and resubmitted through the same procedure required for the original preliminary and final development plan.
      Failure to begin construction of all or a substantial portion of the improvements approved in the final development plan within one year after the issuance of a permit shall make null and void the plan as approved, unless an extension of time is granted by the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 159-1990. Passed 5-21-90.)