1362.02 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to establish rules, regulations, standards and procedures for approval of all developments in U7 Light Industrial Park Districts in order to:
   (a)   Preserve existing natural resources and give proper consideration to the physical constraints of the land;
   (b)   Provide for safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation and off-street parking and loading;
   (c)   Provide for compliance with appropriate design standards to ensure adequate light and air, proper building arrangements and the minimum adverse effect on surrounding property through the use of judicious landscaping and buffering;
   (d)   Develop proper safeguards to minimize soil erosion and sedimentation, air and water pollution and noise levels;
   (e)   Ensure the provision of adequate water supply, drainage and stormwater management, sanitary facilities and other utilities and services; and
   (f)   Encourage modern and innovative design, construction, technology and planning methods.
(Ord. 159-1990. Passed 5-21-90.)
   In the U7 Light Industrial Park District no building or land shall be used, and no building shall be erected, reconstructed, altered or enlarged, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except for one or more of the following uses:
   (a)   Professional, administrative, financial, medical, executive, governmental and public utility offices;
   (b)   Research and development laboratories or testing offices;
   (c)   Wholesale offices and showrooms;
   (d)   Maintenance, storage and warehousing of materials and/or equipment and/or inventory related to or necessary for the operation of the building or land, in facilities wholly enclosed in approved structures, provided that no more than fifty percent of each structure shall be used for this purpose. Inventory manufactured, fabricated or assembled on site shall be exempt from this requirement.
   (e)   Manufacturing and assembly limited to the following processes and products:
      (1)   Fabrication, stamping, extrusion, welding, finishing, polishing and assembly of products limited to:
         A.   Musical, medical and small engineering, scientific and measuring instruments;
         B.   Orthopedic and medical appliances;
         C.   Assembly of electrical equipment such as home radio, phonograph and television receivers and home movie equipment;
         D.   Electrical and mechanical control and communication devices and equipment;
         E.   Electrical supplies such as wire and cable assembly, switches, motors, lamps, insulation and dry cell batteries;
         F.   Electrical appliances such as lighting fixtures, irons, toasters, fans and electrical toys;
         G.   Cutlery and kitchen utensils;
         H.   Watches, clocks, cameras and other photographic equipment;
         I.   Toys, sporting goods and other athletic equipment; and
         J.   Jewelry, pins and needles, and razor blades;
      (2)   Cosmetics, drugs and toiletries; compounding and pharmaceutical products from previously processed chemical and other products;
      (3)   Clothing and other textile products; leather goods from previously manufactured yarns and leathers;
      (4)   Fabrication of furniture and cabinets and other woodworking products; and
      (5)   Printing, publishing and engraving;
   (f)   Cultivation, processing and testing of medical marijuana as defined in 1359.04;
   (g)   Permitted incidental and accessory uses, including garages for storage and maintenance of company motor vehicles and for storage of gasoline and lubricating oils needed for operation of these vehicles and for the maintenance of the company’s plant and machinery located therein; off-street parking and loading facilities as provided in Section 1362.07; maintenance and utility shops for the upkeep and repair of buildings and structures on the site and equipment used on the site; central heating and power plants for furnishing heat and energy to structures on the site; facilities for water, drainage, sewerage, fire protection, electrical, telephone and other utilities; educational facilities for training and study; storage buildings; communications facilities, including antenna masts; clinics; cafeterias; recreational facilities; data processing facilities; and employee credit unions; and
   (h)   Uses similar to those permitted above in terms of noise, odors, traffic generation, hours of operation, etc., as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 159-1990. Passed 5-21-90; Ord. 42-2017. Passed 4-17-17.)
   The following operations and uses are prohibited in U7 Light Industrial Park Districts:
   (a)   Any use prohibited in Chapter 1373;
   (b)   Residential uses of any type;
   (c)   Jail or honor farms;
   (d)   Labor or migrant worker camps;
   (e)   New or used car sales lots;
   (f)   Automobile, go-cart, motorcycle or other vehicle endurance or race tracks;
   (g)   Cemeteries;
   (h)   All retail uses except the sale of food in employee cafeterias;
   (i)   The outdoor storage of materials or display of goods;
   (j)   Automobile, bus and truck repair operations, including body shops, engine repair shops, transmission shops, etc.
   (k)   Self-service storage and miniwarehouses.
(Ord. 159-1990. Passed 5-21-90.)