(a)   Surface. All parking areas, access drives and maneuvering areas shall have a smoothly graded, pavement stabilized and dustless surface and be provided with adequate drainage. There shall be adequate bumper guards or curbing where needed to prevent damage to landscaped and lawn areas.
   (b)   Lighting.
      (1)   For one, two and three-family dwellings, when provided, lighting shall be arranged, shielded and directed to limit exposure to adjacent residences.
      (2)   For institutional, multi-family, business and industrial uses, parking shall be provided with adequate lighting while parking is in use. Any outdoor lighting fixture used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be full cut-off type fixtures, except for decorative light fixtures (See Figure 1) and shall be shaded or diffused so as to reflect the light away from the adjoining property and away from abutting traffic.
Figure 1
   (c)   Location and Buffer Requirements.
      (1)   Required parking spaces for one to three-family or multi-family residential buildings shall not be provided in a front yard except as provided in division (c)(2) below. If parking is provided in a side yard, it shall be located a minimum of three feet from the side lot line. For one to three-family houses temporary incidental parking may be located in a front yard access drive; however, permanent parking spaces shall not be installed in front of a required setback building line as established in Chapter 1385 or on the official zoning map except as provided in division (c)(2) below.
      (2)   For properties with existing attached garages forming a portion of a front building line: one permanent parking space may be located in the front yard on a paved area adjacent to the access drive provided that the total width of the access drive and the parking space shall not exceed eighteen feet and shall not be closer than three feet to the side lot line.
         A.   The additional pavement for the additional parking space shall be configured to permit vehicle movement over paved access to the space but shall not abut the public right-of-way unless expansion of the drive apron and curb cut is approved by the Director of Public Service.
         B.   The additional pavement for the additional parking space, including pavement necessary for turning into the space, shall conform to the following requirements:
            1.   Shall be configured to permit vehicle movement over paved access to the parking space;
            2.   Shall not exceed twenty-five feet in length;
            3.   Shall not extend more than thirty feet from the front line of the attached garage;
            4.   Shall not extend closer to the public right-of-way than five feet unless approved by the Director of Public Service.
      (3 )    Parking spaces for conditional uses in a U1, U2 or multi-family district shall conform to plans approved in the conditional use approval process described in Chapter 1368.
      (4)   The location of all parking spaces/parking lots shall comply with setback requirements, landscaped buffer requirements, and other provisions of the district in which the parking lot is located.
   (d)   Landscaping on the Interior of Parking Lots. Landscaped islands shall be provided in the interior of parking lots in accordance with the following requirements:
      (1)   For any parking area designed to accommodate 50 or more vehicles, landscaped islands totaling not less than 7% of the total area of off-street parking areas shall be integrated into the parking areas to visually break up large expanses of paving and provide shading.
      (2)   Landscaped islands shall be a minimum of 100 square feet in area with a minimum width of five feet, and shall be curbed.
(Ord. 62-2014. Passed 6-2-14; Ord. 95-2016. Passed 9-6-16.)