EDITOR'S NOTE: Property formerly zoned U2-A is now zoned ASF. References throughout these Codified Ordinances to U2-A Districts shall be deemed to mean ASF Districts.
1358.01 Intent.
1358.02 Definitions.
1358.03 Permitted buildings, structures and uses.
1358.04 Accessory buildings, structures and uses.
1358.05 Area regulations and yard requirements.
1358.06 Height regulations.
1358.07 Development standards.
1358.08 Public street and community facilities.
1358.09 Development plans; site plan review.
Parking commercial vehicles in Residence Districts - see TRAF. 351.13
Single-family dwelling defined - see P. & Z. 1321.16
Accessory uses in Residence Districts - see P. & Z Ch. 1377
Private garages; vehicle storage; permit - see P. & Z. 1377.02
Height regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1379
Rear houses; area regulations - see P. & Z. 1381.08
Rear and side yards - see P. & Z. Ch. 1383
Porch; corner lot fence, shrubbery - see P. & Z. 1385.03
Determining building line - see P. & Z. 1385.04