1389.01 Purpose.
1389.02 Off-street parking facilities required.
1389.03 Definitions and computations.
1389.04 Schedule of required parking spaces.
1389.05 Allowance for shared use of parking facilities.
1389.06 Reductions in parking requirements.
1389.07 Deferred construction.
1389.08 Required stacking spaces.
1389.09 Parking design standards.
1389.10 Regulations for access drives.
1389.11 Bicycle parking design standards.
1389.12 Conditions of parking areas.
1389.13 Off-street loading space.
1389.14 Parking commercial vehicles in parking lots.
1389.15 Parking spaces for persons with disabilities.
Off-street parking facilities - see Ohio R.C. 717.05 et seq.
Parking regulations - see TRAF. Ch. 351
Off-street parking in U7 Districts - see P. & Z. 1362.07