General Provisions
52.01 Scope
52.02 Definitions
52.03 Standard service
52.04 Fire protection service
52.05 Non-standard service
52.06 Water sprinkler service
52.07 Obtaining service
52.08 Application and contract for service
52.09 Deposits
52.10 Service charges for temporary service
52.25 Meters
52.26 Additional load
52.27 Meter tests
52.28 Meter locations
52.29 Multiple service through a single meter; residential
52.30 Multiple service through a single meter; commercial and industrial
Regulations and Billing
52.45 Bills for water service
52.46 Discontinuance of service; refusal to connect service
52.47 Reconnection charge
52.48 Termination of service by customer
52.49 Liability for cut-off failure
52.50 Water turned on by customer
52.51 Damage to property due to water pressure
52.52 Interruption of service
52.53 Restricted use of water
52.54 Schedule of rates and charges
52.55 Tapping main and making service connections
52.56 Point of delivery
52.57 Multiple delivery points
52.58 Main extensions
52.59 Customer’s piping and fixtures; standards
52.60 Rights of access
52.61 Inspections
52.62 Notice of trouble
52.63 Customer’s responsibility for Board’s property
52.64 Customer’s responsibility for violation of rules and regulations
52.65 Customer’s not to supply water to others
52.66 Cross-connections
52.67 Conflict
52.68 Revisions
52.69 Filing the posting
52.70 Prohibition of wells and private water supplies
These rules and regulations are a part of all contracts for receiving water service from the Water Department of the Utilities Department and shall apply whether the service is based upon contract, agreement, signed application or otherwise.
(1994 Code, § 18-201) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ACCOUNTS, INSIDE-CITY LIMITS AND OUTSIDE-CITY LIMITS. Rate schedules and rules and regulations of the Department of water are affected by such location. The rate schedule attachments No. 1 and 1A and 1B, attached to the ordinance codified herein, or rate schedules which might later supersede this schedule, shall apply to those accounts where service connections made within the corporate limits supply water to premises lying wholly within the corporate limits or on which assessments are made by the city for tax purposes. However, in those cases in which water is furnished at the present time or in the future to any water faucet or other outlet lying outside the corporate limits of the city or lying outside the boundaries of any tracts on which the city makes assessments for taxation purposes the water furnished in such cases shall be paid for at rates on attachment No. 1, 1A and 1B.
BOARD. The Public Utilities Board of the city, including the Chairperson and all members, but does not include any employees of the City Utilities Department.
CUSTOMER. Any person who applies for water service or who receives water service from the Department under either an expressed or implied contract requiring such person to pay the Department for such service; and shall include any person upon whose property there is located a customer-owned water service line even though such service line is not in active use.
CUSTOMER’S SERVICE LINE or SERVICE LINE. The water line extending from the service connection to and within the improvements on such property.
DAY. Whenever used with reference to a period for which water used is measured, shall mean a period of 24 consecutive hours, beginning as near as practical to 8:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, and the date of any such day shall be the date of the calendar day on which said 24-hour period begins.
DEPARTMENT. The Utilities Department of the city, Department of Water, and its duly authorized employees, agents and representatives.
DISCOUNT DATE. The date which appears on the bill, except when some other date is expressly required by these rules and regulations or rate schedules, or by any agreement approved by the Board. The DISCOUNT DATE is the last date on which bills can be paid at the net rates.
DWELLING. Any single structure, with auxiliary buildings, occupied by one or more persons or households for residential purposes.
FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CHARGES. The term applied to charges made for fire protection provided by fire hydrants owned and maintained on unmetered lines by the Department for the use of the city, firms, corporations or individuals.
HOUSEHOLD. Any one or more persons, living together as a family group.
MAIN. The water lines of the Department of all sizes, with service connection excluded, laid in or on the public streets or highways or on easements acquired by the Department for the installations of the Department’s water lines on private property.
PERSON. Includes firms and corporations, as well as individuals.
PREMISES. Any structure or group of structures operated as a single business or enterprise; provided, however, the term PREMISES shall not include more than one dwelling.
REGULAR BILLING PERIOD or the BILLING PERIOD. Any designated calendar month means the billing period, the revenues from which are included in monthly statements of the Department for the calendar month in question.
RULES AND REGULATIONS. Includes addenda, attachments, supplements and interpretations adopted from time to time by the Board.
SERVICE CONNECTION. The tap of the main and that portion of the line extending from the tap of the main to and including the meter and meter installation, in those installations where the meter is set at or near the property line on the street, highway or right-of-way on which the main is located. For meters located elsewhere on private property, the SERVICE CONNECTION is considered to extend only from the tap of the main to the property line, plus the meter and meter installation.
SERVICE PIPE. Synonymous in meaning with the term SERVICE CONNECTION.
TAPPING FEE. Any charges made by the Department to users or prospective users for the tap of the main and the installation of the service connection, including the meter, meter installation and the meter box. Any TAPPING FEE so collected is a contribution in aid of construction and the customer acquires no legal title to, nor equity in the facilities installed by reason of the payment therefor.
(1994 Code, § 18-202) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987)