General Wastewater Regulations
51.01 Purpose and policy
51.02 Administrative
51.03 Definitions
51.04 Proper waste disposal required
51.05 Private domestic wastewater disposal
51.06 Connection to public sewers
51.07 Septic tank effluent pump or grinder pump wastewater systems
51.08 Regulation of holding tank waste disposal or trucked in waste
51.09 Discharge regulations
51.10 Enforcement and abatement
Industrial/Commercial Wastewater Regulations Fats, Oil and Grease Control Program
51.25 Industrial pretreatment
51.26 Discharge permits
51.27 Industrial user additional requirements
51.28 Reporting requirements
51.29 Enforcement response plan
51.30 Enforcement response guide table
51.31 Fees and billing
51.32 Fats, Oil and Grease Control Program; fats, oils and grease traps and interceptors
51.33 FOG Management Policy
51.34 Food Service Establishment Enforcement Response Guide
51.35 Validity
Appendix A: Enforcement Response Guide Table
Editor’s note:
Ord. 446 and amending ordinances 470, 473 and 484 are replaced by the following wastewater regulations.