(A) The Department will, at its own expense, make periodical tests and inspections of its meters in order to maintain high standards of accuracy.
(B) When a customer requests a meter test, the customer shall pay for such tests if the tests show that the meter does register accurately. To be considered accurate, the meter registration shall check within the percentage shown in the below table. In case the test shows the meter to not register accurately appropriate adjustments will be made by the Department over a period of not over 60 days prior to date of such test, and cost of making the test shall be borne by the Department.
(C) (1) The charges to customers for meter tests under the section above shall be those given below:
Meter Size | Test Charge | Percentage |
Meter Size | Test Charge | Percentage |
5/8 inch meter | $10 | 2% |
1 inch meter | $15 | 2% |
1-1/2, 1-1/4 inch meters | $20 | 2% |
2 inch meter | $25 | 2% |
3 inch meter | Cost of test | 3% |
4 inch meter | Cost of test | 4% |
6 inch meter | Cost of test | 5% |
(2) These charges do not apply to inspections of meters and meter installations, the checking and verification of meter readings and the like made at the customer’s request and carried out while the meters are being maintained in normal service. The Department has the option to replace the meter in question with a new or rebuilt meter in lieu of testing.
(1994 Code, § 18-213) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987; Ord. 784, passed 4-25-2016)
(A) For new installations, the Department’s approval of meter locations shall be obtained before any piping is installed. Meters shall be placed on or adjacent to the property line of the premises to be served at the street in which the main lies from which service is to be given. Insofar as is practicable, such locations shall be chosen for the joint convenience of the customer and the Department, but the Department reserves the right to specify the location of the meter.
(B) Where more than one meter is to be installed at one premises, such meters shall be grouped in one common place accessible at all times. Where more than one meter for a new installation is to be installed so as to give each consumer a separate meter, the charges to the applicant for service shall be the smaller of the actual cost of the installation or the normal tapping charge for each meter, whichever is smaller.
(C) Where meters are at present located on private property, it shall be the policy of the Department to move the meters to locations on public property, or at the property line, as speedily as practicable.
(D) The cost of relocating meters for the sole convenience of the customer will be paid the Department by the customer.
(1994 Code, § 18-214) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987)
(A) No customer shall supply water service to more than one household or dwelling from a single service line and meter, except when permitted for housing projects, apartment buildings, trailer courts or other project under one management.
(B) (1) Where more than one household or dwelling is served through a single service line and meter, the amount of water used by all the households and dwellings shall be allocated to each separate household or dwelling served.
(2) The charge for each such household or dwelling thus served shall be computed just as if each household or dwelling had received through a separate metered service the amount of water so allocated to it, such computation to be made in accordance with the applicable provisions of Attachment No. 1 hereto, (including the provisions as to minimum bills) which shall be the latest revision of schedule of rates and charges. The charges for all such units shall be totaled and billed to the managing owner or agency which shall be responsible for prompt payment thereof.
(1994 Code, § 18-215) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987)
(A) No customer shall supply water service to more than one premises from a single service line and meter without first obtaining the written permission of the Department.
(B) Where the Department allows more than one premises to be served through a single service line and meter the amount of water used shall be billed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Attachment No. 1 hereto, which shall be the latest revision of schedule of rates and charges of the Department of Water of the Utilities Department.
(C) The owner of the premises involved will then receive one bill for all premises.
(1994 Code, § 18-216) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987)
(A) Bills for water service must be paid on or before the discount date shown thereon to obtain the net rate, otherwise, the gross rate shall apply. Failure to receive a bill will not relieve the customer from payment of obligation, nor extend the discount date.
(B) In the event bills are not paid by the discount date, the Department may at any time thereafter, upon five days written notice to customer, discontinue service and not again resume service until all bills are paid, and the Department shall not be liable for the damages on account of discontinuance of service any time after five days’ written notice, even though payment of such bills is made on the same day either before or after the service is actually discontinued.
(C) Should the date for the final payment of a bill at the net rate fall on a Sunday or a holiday, the business day next following the final date will be held as the last day to obtain the net rate. Net remittances received by mail after the discount date will be accepted by the Department if the incoming envelope bears the United States Post Office date stamp of the discount date or any date prior thereto.
(D) No customer shall be entitled to pay any bill at the net rate while delinquent in the payment of any obligation owed the Department.
(E) If a meter fails to register properly, or if the meter is removed to be tested and repaired, or if water is received other than through a meter, the Department reserves the right to render and collect an estimated ball based on the best information available.
(F) The Department may at its option make provision to allow a customer to pay for excessive water bills due to hidden leaks over an extended period of time not to exceed six months after the General Manager's approval. HIDDEN LEAKS are herein defined as those leaks which the customer could not reasonably have been expected to find until a bill for excessive consumption indicated the presence of such leaks. Leaks in interior plumbing, leaking or dripping faucets, leaking or dripping yard hydrants, leaks in commodes or other loss through failure of customer to provide cut-off, water lost due to frozen pipes and water used to keep pipes from freezing are specifically sited as examples of leaks which will not be termed as “hidden leaks” for the purpose of this section. In the case of excessive water bills, the sewer bill may be adjusted if the customer can prove to the Department's satisfaction, that the water from the hidden leak did not enter the sewer system for treatment.
(G) No adjustment in billing shall be made where premises are vacated without a notice to discontinue service having been given to the Department.
(1994 Code, § 18-217) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987; Ord. 784, passed 4-25-2016)
(A) The Department shall have the right to discontinue service or to refuse to connect service for a violation of or failure to comply with any provisions of these rules and regulations and the applicable schedule of rates and charges. Such right to discontinue service shall apply to all service rendered through a single meter, even though more than one consumer or tenant is furnished therefrom, and even though a delinquency or violation is limited to only one such consumer or tenant.
(B) Discontinuance of service by the Department for any cause stated in these rules and regulations shall not release the customer from liability for payment for service already received or from liability from payments that thereafter become due under the minimum bill provisions or other provisions of the customer’s contract.
(C) The Department shall have the right to refuse to render service to any applicant whenever the applicant or any member of the household, company or firm to which such service is to be furnished, is in default in the payment of any obligations to the Department or has previously had his or her service discontinued because of a violation of the rules and regulations of the Board.
(D) If the Department should, for any reason, begin to render service to an applicant to whom the Department has a good and valid reason for refusing to render such service, the Department shall have the right to discontinue such service at any time within one year after such service has begun, even though such customer does nothing to justify the discontinuance of service during the time such service is being rendered.
(1994 Code, § 18-218) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987)
(A) The customer shall pay all costs for discontinuance of service for temporary repairs, and for other purposes for the customers’s exclusive benefit, outside of normal working hours.
(B) Whenever service has been discontinued as provided for above, or for non-payment of bills, a reconnection charge of not less than $5 may be collected by the Department before service is restored.
(1994 Code, § 18-219) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987)