(A)   No customer shall supply water service to more than one household or dwelling from a single service line and meter, except when permitted for housing projects, apartment buildings, trailer courts or other project under one management.
   (B)   (1)   Where more than one household or dwelling is served through a single service line and meter, the amount of water used by all the households and dwellings shall be allocated to each separate household or dwelling served.
      (2)   The charge for each such household or dwelling thus served shall be computed just as if each household or dwelling had received through a separate metered service the amount of water so allocated to it, such computation to be made in accordance with the applicable provisions of Attachment No. 1 hereto, (including the provisions as to minimum bills) which shall be the latest revision of schedule of rates and charges. The charges for all such units shall be totaled and billed to the managing owner or agency which shall be responsible for prompt payment thereof.
(1994 Code, § 18-215) (Ord. 421, passed 12-18-1986; Ord. 423, passed 3-5-1987)