(a) Only authorized employees of the Division of Water are permitted to make repairs to the tap or service connection. When deemed advisable by the Division of Water, the entire service connection will be replaced.
(b) Repairs to the tap and service connection two inches and smaller in size in all areas served directly by the Division of Water shall be assumed by the Division of Water Distribution Department unless the repairs are made necessary because of work done by, or for, the owner, in which case he shall pay the full cost thereof.
(c) Where the tap and service connection is damaged by a contractor or other utility, the full cost of repairs shall be charged to those responsible for the damage.
(d) The total cost of repairs of services larger than two inches in all areas is borne by the owner.
(e) The City shall maintain in good repair at no cost to the customer that portion of the service line between the street main and the curb stop; including the curb stop for service lines two inches and under. The customer shall maintain that portion of the service line on the property side of the curb stop in good repair and protect the same from frost at his own cost. The customer shall prevent waste of water and no claim shall be made against the City for damage resulting from breakage of any service pipe or connection or drainage arising from shutting off water to repair mains or for any other reason.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) Section 1417 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) establishes the definition for "lead free" as a weighted average of 0.25 percent lead calculated across the wetted surfaces of a pipe, pipe fitting, plumbing fitting, and fixture and 0.2 percent lead for solder and flux. The Act also provides a methodology for calculating the weighted average of wetted surfaces.
(b) The Act prohibits the "use of any pipe, any pipe or plumbing fitting or fixture, any solder, or any flux, after June 1986, in the installation or repair of (i) any public water system; or (ii) any plumbing in a residential or non-residential facility providing water for human consumption, that is not lead free."
(c) Additionally there is a prohibition on introducing a pipe, any pipe or plumbing fitting or fixture, any solder, or any flux that is not lead free into commerce; unless the use is for manufacturing or industrial purposes.
(d) No person, firm or corporation (including City staff and account holders) shall introduce, install, repair or otherwise alter service line piping, plumbing, fixtures or solder in violation of the "lead-free" provisions of Section 1417 of the USEPA Safe Drinking Water Act nor of the similar provisions of R.C. Chapter 6109 and Chapter 3745-81: "Primary Drinking Water Standards" of the Ohio EPA, either now in place or as adopted in the future.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) The City shall maintain in good repair at no cost to the customer that portion of the two inch or smaller service line between the corporation stop, up to and including the curb stop located within the road right-of-way or water line easement limits. The property owner shall maintain that portion of the service line on the property side of the curb stop in good repair and protect the same from frost or other damage at the owner's own cost. The account holder shall prevent waste of, unaccounted for use, or leakage of water and no claim shall be made against the City for damage resulting from breakage of any service pipe or connection or damage arising from shutting off water to repair mains or for any other reason. The total cost of repairs of services larger than two inches is the responsibility of the owner.
(b) In the event that a leak occurs between the curb valve and the meter, it shall be the duty of the property owner to repair same within an expedited period of time. When the City discovers the existence of a leak, the property owner will be notified and instructed to repair it. If within seventy-two hours the owner has not taken steps to repair the leak (by accomplishing the repair or providing a copy of an executed contract to do so), the water service to the premises may be shut off at the curb stop. Water service to the premises will not again be restored until the ordered repairs have been completed.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) The installation of fire protection service connections, to supply water to stand pipes and sprinkler systems for fire protection only, shall be permitted when applications and plans for such service have been approved by the Building Department, and Fire Prevention Bureau of the Fire Department. Lines installed for fire protection shall not be used for any reason other than approved fire protection reasons. Any use other than specified in these rules is a crime and subject to prosecution.
(b) Customers wishing to modify water service on fire lines must do so in writing. Modifications on fire lines will only be permitted after written approval has been received from the Fire Prevention Bureau, Building Department and Water Distribution Department. It is the customer's responsibility to follow all fire codes National, State, and local.
(c) Fire hydrants on private property are the responsibility of the property owner. All local and State codes will be enforced. Any work on private fire hydrant shall be inspected by the Water Distribution Department and/or the City Fire Prevention Bureau.
(d) Tampering with any fire line or hydrant is a criminal offense and may lead to prosecution.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
All individuals or business organizations are forbidden to attach any energized wire or faulty wires to any plumbing which is or may be connected to a service connection or main line belonging to the City; the City will hold the account holder liable for any damage to its property or injury to its personnel occasioned by such wire attachments. The presence of such wire attachments will be sufficient cause for immediate discontinuance of service.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)