All service connections and plumbing outside the City limits shall be subject to the same rules as are herein provided for services within the City limits. The charges for same shall be as specified by fee ordinance, except those covered by special assessment, contract, or other governmental agencies.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
All curb stops (shut-off), corporation stops, meter box, as well as any other water valve in the public easement shall be under the absolute control of the Water Distribution Department and shall not be tampered, interfered with, or operated by unauthorized persons. Water may be turned on to premises to be supplied by an authorized employee of the City only, except that a licensed plumber may, for testing purposes, turn on the water but, shall shut it off again when it is tested.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 12-16-17.)
(a) Advance payment of the established charge for tap and service connection must be made by the applicant for water service. Schedule of current tap and service connection charges shall be in the fee ordinance.
(b) In an effort to maintain the structural integrity of the water mains, water mains sixteen inches in size or larger are considered trunk mains and are not to be tapped for water service, except when approved by the City Engineer and EMWSS after an engineering study of the affected part of the Distribution System.
(c) All service lines larger than two inches shall be made by approved contractors only after all fees have been paid. The ownership of the service line starting with the tap will be owned and maintained by the owner following all rules of the City.
(d) All service lines two inches and under from the mainline to, and including, the curb stop shall be installed by the City or its agent at the cost of the customer, such cost shall include the cost of all labor, material, and capital recovery fees incident to the service installation as determined by the City. That part of the service line on the customer side of the curb stop shall be installed by the customer at the customer's cost.
(e) No service line shall be installed nearer than ten feet to any sewer trench horizontally and eighteen inches vertically.
(f) All water taps two inches and under which shall remain the property of the City.
(g) Service connection charges are as follows. Refer to fee ordinance.
(g) On all application for tap services from a lesser size to a larger size, the new tap charge of the larger size shall be the tap charge.
(h) Costs on all services. Refer to fee ordinance.
(i) Fees for all services outside the City, except those excluded by contract or agreement are listed in the fee ordinance.
(j) Water service will not be provided to premises unless the customer's water line and sewer connection trenches are inspected and approved by EMWSS and City Engineer to meet the requirements as stated in Sections 939.405(a), 939.407, and 939.410, regardless of the extent of correction alterations needed.
(k) Inspection charges. Refer to fee ordinance.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) Where there is a multiple occupancy in a premise, such as a duplex, a manifold setting is required in order that each unit will have a meter installed and a separate line from the curb box to the meter; no more than two metered services shall be fed off a three-fourths inch tap. Except where already existing.
(b) The charges for the manifold set-up for this type of metering shall be based upon the size needed and the specific type of manifold to be fabricated by the Water Distribution Department and are set in the fee ordinance.
(c) In case of existing duplexes with single meter and shutoff (installed prior to this chapter) where homeowner requests a second meter, owner must install a separate line from the premises to the existing curb stop. A fee for double head service will be paid by the applicant. Water distribution will install the manifold.
(d) No multiple head service connection will be shared with a separate parcel.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) All original taps and services, including tap and customer branches, shall be at least one inch in diameter. We will make no recommendations as to tap sizing or guarantee of sufficiency.
(b) Services two inches and smaller shall be Type "K" soft copper or that complies with American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard C-901, and services over two inches shall be ductile cast iron, the quality of both equal to that used by the Division of Water. No other type of material such as iron, steel or galvanized iron or plastic shall be used from the curb stop or control valve to and including the meter setting except as noted in division (c) of this section.
(c) Water service line replacement shall be sized the same or larger than the line being replaced. The exception is that no line smaller than ¾ inches is permitted. The use of HDPE (high density polyethylene) plastic water service line is permitted only for owner occupied residential service branch line replacements. All rental, commercial or industrial replacements must be K-soft copper and all fittings flared for services under three inches. All service line replacements over two inches must be ductile iron.
(d) For purposes of this provision, C909 PVCO pipe may be considered as an alternate material to ductile iron pipe.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17; Ord. 2022-77. Passed 4-18-22.)
(a) Only authorized employees of the Division of Water are permitted to make repairs to the tap or service connection. When deemed advisable by the Division of Water, the entire service connection will be replaced.
(b) Repairs to the tap and service connection two inches and smaller in size in all areas served directly by the Division of Water shall be assumed by the Division of Water Distribution Department unless the repairs are made necessary because of work done by, or for, the owner, in which case he shall pay the full cost thereof.
(c) Where the tap and service connection is damaged by a contractor or other utility, the full cost of repairs shall be charged to those responsible for the damage.
(d) The total cost of repairs of services larger than two inches in all areas is borne by the owner.
(e) The City shall maintain in good repair at no cost to the customer that portion of the service line between the street main and the curb stop; including the curb stop for service lines two inches and under. The customer shall maintain that portion of the service line on the property side of the curb stop in good repair and protect the same from frost at his own cost. The customer shall prevent waste of water and no claim shall be made against the City for damage resulting from breakage of any service pipe or connection or drainage arising from shutting off water to repair mains or for any other reason.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)