(a) The installation of fire protection service connections, to supply water to stand pipes and sprinkler systems for fire protection only, shall be permitted when applications and plans for such service have been approved by the Building Department, and Fire Prevention Bureau of the Fire Department. Lines installed for fire protection shall not be used for any reason other than approved fire protection reasons. Any use other than specified in these rules is a crime and subject to prosecution.
(b) Customers wishing to modify water service on fire lines must do so in writing. Modifications on fire lines will only be permitted after written approval has been received from the Fire Prevention Bureau, Building Department and Water Distribution Department. It is the customer's responsibility to follow all fire codes National, State, and local.
(c) Fire hydrants on private property are the responsibility of the property owner. All local and State codes will be enforced. Any work on private fire hydrant shall be inspected by the Water Distribution Department and/or the City Fire Prevention Bureau.
(d) Tampering with any fire line or hydrant is a criminal offense and may lead to prosecution.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
All individuals or business organizations are forbidden to attach any energized wire or faulty wires to any plumbing which is or may be connected to a service connection or main line belonging to the City; the City will hold the account holder liable for any damage to its property or injury to its personnel occasioned by such wire attachments. The presence of such wire attachments will be sufficient cause for immediate discontinuance of service.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
Unless redevelopment plans or a building permit application have been submitted indicating re-use of the service line, when an existing utility service line is abandoned by the property owner or when the structure served by the service line is demolished, the City may require the property owner to cut off the abandoned service line at the water main, close the corporation stop, expose the water main, and remove the service in the manner approved by the City. All costs associated with such work shall be at the expense of the property owner.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) Periodically, the City is replacing water mains throughout the City and during this replacement process, it has been discovered that some private service water lines (private line) also need to be replaced. In each such case, the City Engineer will determine if the private line needs to be replaced and the time frame for replacement. The property owner/occupant of the premises will be notified of this determination.
(b) Within forty-eight hours of notification, the property owner may elect to have the City's contractor replace the private line from the curb stop to the meter, at the property owner's expense, at the cost negotiated by the City with the City's contractor.
(c) In the event that the property owner elects to have the City's contractor replace the private line, the property owner shall enter into an agreement with the City acknowledging that the property owner agrees to pay the costs for said installation and that if the property owner does not pay the City within thirty days of receipt of an itemized statement for such services, then 110 percent of the actual costs paid by the City for such services shall be placed as a lien/assessment against said property to be paid with real property estate taxes, over ten years. The amount certified to the County Auditor shall be the actual costs paid by the City, plus any charges by the County Auditor to process said lien/assessment.
(d) Within fifteen days of receipt of the bill for replacement costs of the private line, the property owner may file an appeal through Public Utilities Department due to undue hardship. Said appeal shall be heard under the procedure for utility appeals. If the hearing office finds undue hardship, the costs may be abated not more than twenty percent. If said reduced amount is not paid within thirty days, the same shall be certified to the County Auditor as herein provided.
(Ord. 2020-133. Passed 9-21-20.)