(a)   Only authorized employees of the Division of Water are permitted to make repairs to the tap or service connection. When deemed advisable by the Division of Water, the entire service connection will be replaced.
   (b)   Repairs to the tap and service connection two inches and smaller in size in all areas served directly by the Division of Water shall be assumed by the Division of Water Distribution Department unless the repairs are made necessary because of work done by, or for, the owner, in which case he shall pay the full cost thereof.
   (c)   Where the tap and service connection is damaged by a contractor or other utility, the full cost of repairs shall be charged to those responsible for the damage.
   (d)   The total cost of repairs of services larger than two inches in all areas is borne by the owner.
   (e)   The City shall maintain in good repair at no cost to the customer that portion of the service line between the street main and the curb stop; including the curb stop for service lines two inches and under. The customer shall maintain that portion of the service line on the property side of the curb stop in good repair and protect the same from frost at his own cost. The customer shall prevent waste of water and no claim shall be made against the City for damage resulting from breakage of any service pipe or connection or drainage arising from shutting off water to repair mains or for any other reason.
(Ord. 2017-10.  Passed 2-6-17.)