EDITOR'S NOTE: Reference should also be made to Chapter 23 of the Dwelling House Code (see Chapter 1303 herein).
1389.01 Grading permit required.
1389.02 Permit application; fee; inspection; revocation.
1389.03 Water accumulations prohibited; correction required.
1389.04 Discharge of nonpolluted waters into sanitary sewers; notice to disconnect.
1389.05 Discharge of storm waters into storm sewers.
1389.99 Penalty.
Removal of putrid substances from lots - see GEN. OFF. 521.05
Sewers and sewage - see S. & P. S. Ch. 931
Water - see S. & P. S. Ch. 939
Lot surface drainage - see P. & Z. 1109.05(b)(2)E.
Grade differences - see P. & Z. 1137.07
(a) A grading permit shall be required if any of the following apply:
(1) When any change in grade of more than six inches is made on any parcel of property;
(2) When any drainage pattern is changed or modified, altering or modifying discharge points and/or altering or shaping slopes to alter, change or modify flow of water or sheet flow discharge of water onto adjoining properties or onto public or private rights of way or easements or the property on which any of such alterations, changing or modification is being done.
(b) Such grading permit shall remain in effect for 120 days unless sooner revoked. Grading permits shall not be required if the grading is provided for pursuant to a subdivider's agreement and bond or is covered by site work included in a building permit application, which site plan grading has been approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of the building permit.
(Ord. 88-253. Passed 9-6-88.)
(a) Any person desiring to make a grade change shall present to the City Engineer a written application which shall include the following information:
(1) The fee owner of the property;
(2) All property lines;
(3) All easements of record;
(4) All topography features, buildings, trees and drives;
(5) Existing and proposed drainage;
(6) A map and survey by a registered land surveyor, if the property is two acres or more; and
(7) A statement of the intended use of the property.
(b) The following materials may be brought upon the property:
(1) Natural soils, minerals, gravel and sand;
(2) Construction and/or demolition materials which are not required to be placed in a sanitary landfill pursuant to Ohio EPA or U.S. EPA regulations, provided, however, that broken concrete, brick, asphalt, broken clay pipe or concrete pipe and like materials shall be compatible with the intended use and shall be covered with at least eighteen inches of natural material as provided in paragraph (b)(1) hereof and four inches of top soil.
(c) Before approval of a permit by the City Engineer, the person seeking the permit shall demonstrate all of the following:
(1) The existing zoning is compatible with the intended use.
(2) The site will not retain water, unless designed as storm water retention.
(3) There is a minimum ditch grade of 0.10 feet in 100 feet.
(4) There is a minimum swale grade of 0.40 feet in 100 feet.
(5) There is a minimum surface slope of 0.75 feet per 100 feet, except for future building sites, which may be graded flat.
(6) Pipes used for storm water flow shall be sized per the design and construction of sanitary and storm sewers, as outlined in the WPCF Manual of Practice #9 and the ASCE Manual on Engineering Practice #37, for a five-year storm at 0.9 full.
(7) Erosion control will be shown during the work.
(8) Top soil and seeding shall be shown.
(d) The Engineer, or his designated representative, shall be permitted to make on-site inspections of the property at any time during the life of the permit. Failure to permit such an inspection shall constitute cause for automatic revocation of the permit.
(e) The fee for a grading permit shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per acre, with a thirty dollar ($30.00) minimum fee.
(f) The grading permit shall be revoked immediately if the owner of the property fails to comply with any conditions or provisions of the grading permit, or for any violation of the Building Code or the Zoning Code of the City.
(g) If a permit is ordered to be revoked, all work pursuant to that permit shall cease until a hearing before the Safety-Service Director is held. Such hearing shall be held within five days of the revocation order.
(Ord. 88-253. Passed 9-6-88.)
No person shall permit any parcel of real property to accumulate or discharge water so as to be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare of the people and property of the City, and such person, upon order of the City Engineer, shall fill or provide drainage for any such parcel so as to eliminate such condition consistent with the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. 65-31. Passed 3-15-65; Ord. 2003-44. Passed 3-3-03.)