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   No person shall permit any parcel of real property to accumulate or discharge water so as to be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare of the people and property of the City, and such person, upon order of the City Engineer, shall fill or provide drainage for any such parcel so as to eliminate such condition consistent with the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. 65-31. Passed 3-15-65; Ord. 2003-44. Passed 3-3-03.)
   (a)   Storm water surface run-off, roof run-off, subsurface drainage, nonpolluted cooling water and any other nonpolluted water shall not be discharged into a sanitary sewer. Nonpolluted water may be discharged to a storm sewer, a combination sewer, a drainage tile or a natural drainage outlet approved by the City.
   (b)   When an investigation shows that nonpolluted waters are reaching the sanitary sewer main from a source on private property, a written notice to the property owner will be issued by the Safety-Service Director or the City Engineer, or his or her representative, ordering the owner to take the rehabilitative measures necessary, at the owner's expense, to eliminate the nonpolluted waters from the public sanitary sewer system.
   (c)   Any notice issued to an owner calling for a roof downspout to be disconnected shall contain a statement as to whether the roof water may be directed onto the ground surface splash blocks or whether some other measure, including, but not limited to, regrading the surface or connection to an approved underground storm sewer lateral, is required.
   A splash block may be used if it will discharge onto a sod area six inches below or onto a paved area three inches below and not less than six feet away from the point where the ground line meets the foundation wall of the building and any affected wall on a building on an adjoining lot. The grading of the lot surface shall also provide for flow away from the low point to either the street right of way, a natural outlet or a rear yard area where the storm water may soak into the soil.
   (d)   When a notice to the owner states that the present grading has insufficient slope for the use of the splash block for discharge of roof run-off, the owner may review his or her options with a representative of the City, but the owner shall make the selection of the option to be used. If the owner desires to regrade a portion of his or her lot to allow for storm water run-off, he or she shall apply for a grading permit under Section 1389.02.
   (e)   Upon receipt of a notice that storm water is entering the sanitary sewerage system, an owner shall have thirty days to select his or her rehabilitative measures and complete the work if he or she is redirecting downspouts to splash blocks. For all other rehabilitative measures, the owner shall have sixty days, excluding the months of December, January, February and March.
(Ord. 84-207. Passed 11-5-84; Ord. 85-31. Passed 2-4-85.)
   Upon construction of a storm water sewer along any street in the City, a storm lateral shall be provided for each property owner along the street for his or her use to connect and discharge nonpolluted waters from his or her property. The storm lateral shall be extended past the normal sidewalk position to the property line. The owner shall be responsible for the cost of extending the lateral on his or her property as needed. Upon completion of a new storm sewer, such owner shall not be required to connect the roof run-off flow to the storm lateral, unless there is a violation of this chapter or Chapter 932 of the Streets and Public Services Code and no other approved means of disposing of the storm water is prepared by the owner.
(Ord. 85-31. Passed 2-4-85.)
1389.99 PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 1313.99 for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.)