1385.01 Fire limits - "Area A."
1385.02 Fire limits - "Area B."
1385.03 Moving building into fire limits.
1385.04 Enforcement.
Fire limits - see Ohio R.C. 737.28
Inspection of buildings for fire and safety - see Ohio R.C. 737.34
Fire Division - see ADM. Ch. 137
Ohio Building Code - see BLDG. Ch. 1301
Fences, walls and hedges - see P. & Z. 1137.15
Moving buildings - see BLDG. Ch. 1391
Fire prevention - see FIRE PREVENTION CODE, Part Fifteen
(a) The area included within the following boundaries shall be known as Fire Limits Area A": The "B-2" Business District as shown on the present official Zoning Map of the City and as may he amended and extended hereafter.
(b) Only type I A-B and II A-B construction, as defined in the Ohio Building Code as adopted in Chapter 1301 shall be permitted in Fire Limits "Area A" for all new construction and for all additions, alterations, remodeling or repair which necessitate that more than fifty percent of the building will require such work to be done. A temporary builder's construction building may be of Type V construction and shall be removed upon completion of construction work.
(Ord. 4919. Passed 1-20-58.)
(a) The following areas shall be designated as Fire Limits "Area B": The "B-1" Neighborhood Business and "B-3" General Business Districts as shown on the present official Zoning Map and as may be amended to extend such districts or other areas that may be rezoned into these classifications.
(b) Classification of construction within Industrial Areas ("M-1" Light, "M-2" Heavy) shall be in accordance with the Ohio Building Code, as adopted in Chapter 1301, concerning proposed use and exposure, except that Type V construction is prohibited unless such construction is in compliance with subsection (c) hereof.
(c) No new construction, or any remodeling, alterations, additions or repairs affecting more than fifty percent of the building on which work is to be done, shall be less than Type IV construction, except that accessory buildings that are distant at least twenty feet from any other building on the same lot and distant at least twenty feet from every lot line and consisting of not more than 500 square feet in total area, may be of Type V construction or may be a metal building. No flammable, explosive or any other material that may create hazardous conditions shall be stored in a Type V building or in a metal building. A temporary builder's construction building may be of Type V construction and shall be removed when construction work is completed.
(Ord. 4919. Passed 1-20-58.)
No building shall be moved to a location inside the fire limits unless such building is of the type of construction permitted in such fire limits, except that a temporary builder's construction building may be of Type V construction, shall be used exclusively by such builder and shall be removed when construction work is completed.
(Ord. 4919. Passed 1-20-58.)