These Regulations are adopted to secure and provide for:
(a) The proper arrangement of streets or highways in relation to existing or planned streets or highways or to City or regional plans;
(b) Adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic, utilities, access of emergency vehicles, recreation, light and air, and for the avoidance of congestion of population; and
(c) Adequate provision of pure water and sewage treatment, and to insure provision for storm drainage and various other facilities, so as to insure an integrated development of the City in an efficient and orderly manner to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of these Regulations shall be held to be minimum requirements. Wherever these Regulations impose a greater restriction than is imposed or required by other provisions of law or by other rules, regulations, covenants, restrictions or ordinances, the provisions of these Regulations shall apply.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)
The following are not subject to these Regulations:
(a) The division or partition of land into parcels of more than five acres, not involving any new streets or easements of access;
(b) The sale or exchange of parcels between adjoining lot owners where such sale or exchange does not create additional building sites, as defined by the Zoning Code or these Regulations, or reduce the original tract below the requirements of the Zoning Code or these Regulations; and
(c) The establishment of private streets serving industrial structures on their own property where there is no division of land.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)