701.01 Billposting license required; exceptions.
701.02 Commercial billboard license required; exceptions.
701.03 Transfer of license.
701.04 Records; disposition of fees.
701.05 Use of noise-making devices.
701.06 False or deceptive advertisements.
701.07 Posting on private property.
701.08 Posting on poles.
701.09 Stringing streamers.
701.10 Temporary signs as nuisances; abatement.
701.11 Inspection of signs; correction and removal.
701.12 Permanent commercial regulations.
701.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.65
Posting bills without owner's consent - see GEN. OFF. 541.04
Defacing or destroying notification - see GEN. OFF. 541.04
Sound trucks - see GEN. OFF. 509.08
Billboard defined - see P. & Z. 1103.05