1   Regular and special meetings: efficient conduct
2   Attendance of members
3   Attendance of the Mayor and others
4   Preservation of order and appointment of committees
5   Rules governing
6   Suspension of rules
7   Amendment of rules
8   Legislation and legal opinions: requests, preparation and transmittal; temporary legislation number
9   Order of business
10   Agenda: preparation, transmittal and limitations
11   Tape recording of meeting; transcripts
12   Minutes: form, transmittal and corrections
13   Right of floor
14   Time limitation of speaking
15   Hearings
16   Legislation: introduction and discussion
17   Motions
18   Reconsideration
19   Motion to take from the table
20   Voting: when necessary and method
21   Remarks and requests by members of public
22   Media
23   President and Vice President of City Council; organization, reorganization and filling of vacancies
24   Prohibiting use of all cell phones, pagers, or other audible electronic devices during Council meetings