(a)   The Clerk of Council is authorized and directed to make recordings of all regular public meetings of Council. The Clerk of Council is authorized to erase and reuse recording tapes of minutes after the minutes prepared from such tapes have been approved and signed, but the Clerk of Council shall retain recordings of Council hearings that may be necessary for court and other proceedings until advised by the Director of Law that such recordings are no longer necessary, at which time the same may be erased and the tapes reused. The Clerk of Council shall have exclusive custody of such tapes of meetings, subject to the right of the City Council members to listen to such tapes upon request and under the supervision of the Clerk of Council. Transcripts of such tapes shall be prepared by the Clerk of Council only upon motion of Council at a public meeting passed by three affirmative votes. Such meeting transcripts shall be maintained by the Clerk of Council, separately bound and exclusive of the minutes. Upon motion, carried by three affirmative votes of Council, any tape may be preserved indefinitely or as otherwise directed.
   (b)   Members of the public may use audio or video recording equipment in meetings of the Council, but the recording equipment must be silent, unobtrusive, self-contained, and self-powered to limit interference with the ability of others to hear, see and participate in the meeting.
(Ord. 67-11, passed 9-20-2011)