Any resident of or proprietor of a business located in the city may appear and be heard by Council during the portion of the meeting designated for remarks of the public, subject to limitations of Rule 9, and such limitations as are set forth hereinafter and elsewhere in the rules of order.
   (a)   Each person addressing Council shall rise, come to the bar, give his or her name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record, and unless further time is granted by Council, shall limit the address to two minutes in the opening portion of the meeting, while speaking on agenda items only; and to three minutes at the closing portion of the meeting when making remarks or requests in general.
   (b)   All remarks shall be addressed to Council as a body and not to any member thereof.
   (c)   Council has provided under Rule 9 for remarks of the public at both the beginning of regular Council meetings under Rule 9(a)(3), and for remarks of the public at the close of regular Council meetings under Rule 9(a)(13). A person qualified to address Council may speak twice at any given meeting limited to two minutes at the beginning portion of the meeting and limited to three minutes at the closing portion of the meeting. No person shall address Council more than two times at any given meeting.
   (d)   The privilege herein granted is a unique personal privilege, and no person may “give away” time he or she would use if permitted, to another.
   (e)   The President may limit the number of persons to address Council on the same subject.
   (f)   Whoever addresses Council at the beginning of the meeting speaks primarily under the limits and authority of Rule 9(a)(3), “remarks of public on agenda items”, and subject to the requirement that such person may only speak to items that are listed on Council agenda. Further, no discussion shall ensue from the address of any person during this portion of the meeting.
   (g)   Whoever addresses Council at the close of the meeting speaks primarily under authority of Rule 9(a)(13), “Remarks and requests of the public”, and such person is not subject to the requirement of speaking only to items that are listed on the Council agenda.
   (h)   At the completion of remarks and requests of the public, Council and the Mayor may respond to the remarks of the public, subject to limitations of Rules 13 and 14.
(Res. 2087, passed 2-21-1984)