Upon reading of the title of an ordinance or resolution by the Clerk of Council, the Council member sponsoring the ordinance or resolution and the Mayor shall explain the purpose thereof, specifically request the action to be taken thereon, and answer questions of Council to clarify such purpose and request, only, after which, such ordinance or resolution shall be considered introduced and the property of Council to dispose of. Discussion otherwise of an ordinance or resolution during its introduction is and shall be ruled by the President of Council to be out of order. After introduction of an ordinance or resolution, the President of Council shall entertain only motions to deal with such ordinance or resolution, such as placing on first or second reading, suspension of the rules, referral to committee, passage and the like. If no such motion is made and seconded, the President of Council shall declare such introduced ordinance or resolution “lost” and proceed with the next item on the agenda. Otherwise, ordinary discussion by Council and Mayor shall be in order with respect to every duly seconded motion made pertaining to the passage of such introduced ordinances or resolutions.
(Ord. 109-04, passed 7-20-2004)