(a)   The business of all regular meetings of Council shall be transacted in the following order, unless Council by a three-fifths affirmative vote suspends the rules and changes the order:
      (1)   Call or order by the President;
      (2)   Roll call;
      (3)   Remarks of public on agenda items;
      (4)   Minutes to be approved;
      (5)   Hearings (conduct and scheduling);
      (6)   Reports and announcements of Mayor;
      (7)   Confirmation of appointments;
      (8)   Receipt of communications and petitions;
      (9)   Reports on Council Committees;
      (10)   Proclamations;
      (11)   Bids;
      (12)   Legislation;
      (13)   Remarks and requests of the public;
      (14)   Response of Council and Mayor to remarks of the public; and
      (15)   Adjournment.
   (b)   The presiding officer shall not permit an ordinance or resolution to be introduced out of the regular order listed in the agenda, except upon motion carried by a vote of three-fifths of Council to suspend this portion of the rules to permit such introduction.
   (c)   The Clerk of Council shall announce each ordinance or resolution by reading the title thereof in the order listed in the agenda. No ordinance or resolution shall be introduced by the Mayor or a Council member at a public meeting unless the same is listed on the agenda and a copy of such ordinance or resolution was delivered to each Council member at least 24 hours immediately preceding such public meeting, unless such 24-hour requirement is waived upon motion carried by three affirmative votes of the Council members. All ordinances and resolutions introduced and placed upon first or second reading shall be deemed read by the Clerk upon reading the title only, since each Council member is provided with a complete copy of each ordinance and resolution.
(Res. 2005, passed 2-2-1982; Res. 2008, passed 3-2-1982; Ord. 105-04, passed 7-20-2004; Ord. 02-10, passed 2-16-2010; Ord. 74-10, passed 8-17-2010; Ord. 14-14, passed 3-18-2014)