§ 27-1301.   Purpose.
   The purposes of the planned residential development, otherwise known as PRD, are to:
      A.   Encourage innovations in residential and commercial development and renewal so that the growing demand for live/work/shop communities and housing may be met by greater variety in type, design and layout of dwelling, and by the conservation and more efficient use of open space ancillary to said dwellings.
      B.   Provide greater opportunities for better housing and recreation for all who are or will be residents of the PRD and/or the Township.
      C.   Encourage a more efficient use of land and public services, so that the economies secured may inure to the benefit of those who need homes.
      D.   To encourage more flexible land development which will respect and conserve natural resources such as streams, lakes, floodplains, groundwater, wooded areas, steep sloped areas, and areas of natural beauty or importance to the natural ecosystem.
      E.   In aid of these purposes, provide a procedure which can relate the type, design, and layout of residential and commercial development to the particular site and the particular demand for housing existing at the time of development in a manner consistent with the preservation of the property values within existing residential areas and ensure that the increased flexibility of the regulations over land development established hereby is carried out pursuant to sound, expeditious and fair administrative standards and provisions.
      F.   Reduce the excessive sprawl of development and the segregation of land uses that cause unnecessary traffic congestion.
      G.   Promote the creation of places which are oriented to the pedestrian, thereby promoting citizen security and social interaction.
      H.   Preserve the remaining rural, historic and agricultural character of the community by directing new development to appropriate locations and minimizing the visual impact of development upon the viewsheds of public roadways.
      I.   Promote alternative land development practices, which will otherwise promote the public health, safety, and welfare. Neotraditional neighborhoods and developments, including hamlets and villages, with well-designed and connected open spaces for community gathering and recreation are the desired alternative to conventional, modem use-segregated developments, such as large lot suburban subdivisions and strip commercial developments.
      J.   Discourage the development of drive-through facilities which encourage the use of private automobiles, which contribute to traffic congestion.
      K.   Discourage generic-type modem suburban development that bears no relation to the historic development pattern of York County.
      L.   Promote the creation of new neighborhoods and developments that exhibit the design features of traditional neighborhoods, hamlets, villages and small towns of York County.
      M.   Promote developments with a mix of residential dwelling types, a range of lot sizes, mixed-use structures with offices and/or apartments above ground level, retail uses surrounding a community green and related community facilities.
      N.   Promote developments where the physical, visual and spatial characteristics are established and reinforced through the consistent use of compatible urban design and architectural design elements. Such elements shall relate the design characteristics of an individual structure or development to other existing and planned structures or developments in a harmonious manner, resulting in a coherent overall development pattern and streetscape.
      O.   Promote the creation of developments that are identifiable in the landscape, surrounded by open space and help preserve sensitive natural features.
      P.   Address the design principles embodied in Article VII-A of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code pertaining to traditional neighborhood development.
      Q.   The planned residential development shall be generally consistent with the Dover Township Comprehensive Plan or any specific plan.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)