§ 27-1314.   Sidewalks, Streets and Access Drives.
   1.   A pedestrian system shall be provided interconnecting all residential areas and individual dwelling units with other dwelling units, nonresidential uses and common open spaces, as well as connecting to adjoining developments and public and semipublic uses. Sidewalks shall be of barrier-free design to the greatest extent possible and shall meet the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act. The pedestrian circulation system shall include gathering/sitting areas and provide benches, landscaping and other street furniture where appropriate.
   2.   Nonmotorized paths shall be provided where possible, linking internal open space areas with perimeter open space areas and open space areas on adjacent tracts. Nonmotorized paths shall be a minimum of ten-feet-wide and may use asphalt paving. Nonmotorized paths shall be designed for shared use by both bicyclists and pedestrians and shall be set back from curbs a minimum of five feet.
   3.   Streets, driveways, service or access drives, sidewalks and walkways shall be designed and installed in the manner prescribed by the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance or Zoning Ordinance as applicable.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)