1. Residential Uses permitted. Residential uses permitted in planned residential developments are the following as defined in the Township's Zoning Ordinance:
A. Single-family detached dwellings.
B. Single-family semidetached dwellings.
C. Two-family detached dwellings.
D. Single-family attached dwellings (townhouses).
E. Multiple-family dwellings.
F. Zero lot line single-family detached dwellings.
G. Zero lot line single-family semidetached dwellings.
2. Commercial Uses. The following commercial uses are permitted in a planned residential development and shall be reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 27, Part 6 for each use:
A. Banks.
B. Brew pub/wine tasting.
C. Business and professional offices.
D. Care facilities.
E. Commercial recreational facility.
F. Commercial school.
G. Conference center.
H. Drive-thru, fast food restaurant (abutting arterial road).
I. Farmer's market.
J. Garden center.
K. Hotel/motel.
L. House of worship.
M. Laundry.
N. Medical facilities.
O. Personal services.
P. Pet grooming/animal day care.
Q. Retail sales & services.
R. Service station (abutting arterial road) or convenience store.
S. Sit-down restaurants that permit outside cafes on sidewalks.
T. Tavern.
3. Commercial use regulations.
A. To the extent feasible, commercial uses shall be grouped together adjacent to an arterial or collector street located within the planned residential development and be provided with shared off-street parking, signage and landscaping.
B. The minimum portion of the planned residential development for commercial uses shall be 25% of the lot area.
C. Maximum impervious surface. On any portion of the planned residential development dedicated to commercial uses, no combination of structures and impervious surfaces, including asphalt or concrete paved areas for parking, access, driveways, pedestrian access walkways and rock-lined stormwater detention facilities, shall exceed 60% of the lot area dedicated to commercial uses.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)