94-4 | 8/22/1994 | Rezoning Lot No. 1 on the subdivision plan recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of York County on June 20, 1994, in Plan Book MM, Page 944, from Residential to Commercial |
93-3 | –/–/1996 | Rezoning two tracts of land from Industrial to Commercial |
96-4 | 3/11/1996 | Rezoning certain property containing 5.75 acres from MX-Mixed Use Residential District to C-Commercial |
97-8 | 9/8/1997 | Prior Zoning Ordinance |
99-5 | 10/25/1999 | Rezoning the following parcels or portions thereof located along Carlisle Road (SR 74) and/or George Street from CV-Conservation to C-Commercial: 1. 24-000-KF-0096.G0-00000 2. 24-000-KF-0097.A0-00000 3. 24-000-KF-0098.00-00000 4. 24-000-KF-00100.00-00000 |
99-6 | 12/13/1999 | Rezoning Lot 4A, as follows, located along Palomino Road (T-825) from MX-Mixed Use Residential to C-Commercial: 1. 24-000-KG-0152.B-00000 |
2000-5 | 1/2/2001 | Rezoning the following parcel located off Carlisle Road (SR 74) from C-Commercial to CV-Conservation: 1. Tax Map KF Parcel No. 97A |
2001-5 | 8/13/2001 | Rezoning the following parcel known as 4301 Fox Run Road from I-Industrial to CV-Conservation: 1. Tax Map Parcel 24-KG-94C |
2002-02 | 10/14/2002 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2002-04 | 12/16/2002 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2003-04 | 5/12/2003 | Rezoning the following parcels from MX-Mixed Use Residential to R-1 Residential: 1. Parcel 24-000-KG-0159-00000 2. Parcel 24-000-KG-0160-00000 3. Parcel 24-000-JF-0046-00000 4. Parcel 24-000-JF-0054-00000 5. Parcel 24-000-KG-0152B |
2003-08 | 12/8/2003 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2004-06 | 4/26/2004 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2004-08 | 5/24/2004 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2004-10 | 5/24/2004 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2004-12 | 6/28/2004 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2004-13 | 6/28/2004 | 1. Parcel ID: 24000KF0158A0 Owner: Franklin E. King Parcel Address: 4103 Carlisle Road Deed Reference: Book 87 B, Page 626 2. Parcel ID: 24000KF0158B0 Owner: Franklin E. King Parcel Address: 4101 Carlisle Road Deed Reference: Book 84 Y, Page 431 3. Parcel ID: 24000KF0156E0 Owner: Michael & Lori Ann Swank Parcel Address: 4091 Carlisle Road Deed Reference: Book 1630, Page 139 4. That portion of the following Parcel that lies within Dover Township Parcel ID: 59000020045A0 Owner: Frank E. King Parcel Address: 121 South Main Street Deed Reference: Book 1319, Page 9091 |
2005-06 | 9/12/2005 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2005-08, §§ 27-202, 27- 414, 27-604, 27-1101, 27- 1102, 27-1110 | 10/24/2005 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2006-02 | 8/14/2006 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2006-04 | 9/25/2006 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2006-05 | 9/25/2006 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2006-06 | 9/25/2006 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2006-08 | 11/13/2006 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2007-02 | 1/8/2007 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2007-09 | 10/22/2007 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2008-03 | 3/10/2008 | Amending Prior Zoning Ord. 97-8 |
2013-01 | 1/28/2013 | 1. The following parcel shall be rezoned from the present R-3 Residential District to C-Commercial District: Tax Map Parcel: 24-000-KG-0049-0000000 Owner: Pennfield Corporation Deed Reference: Book 1654, Page 0006 Acreage: 165 acres 2. The following parcel shall be rezoned from the present R-3 Residential District to A-Agricultural District: Tax Map Parcel: 24-000-LG-0148C-000000 Owner: Miriam Lamparter Deed Reference: Book 91G, Page 0050 Acreage: 83 acres 3. The following parcel shall be rezoned from the present R-3 Residential District to R-1 Residential District: Tax Map Parcel: 24-000-KG-0104-0000000 Owner: Todd M. Lamparter Deed Reference: Book 1384, Page 7535 Acreage: 103 acres 4. The following parcel shall be rezoned from the present R-3 Residential District to I-Industrial District: Tax Map Parcel: 24-000-KF-0107E-000000 Owner: Thomas R. Lamparter Deed Reference: Book 85-J, Page 347 Acreage: 3.30 5. The following parcel shall be rezoned from the present R-3 Residential District to A-Agricultural District: Tax Map Parcel: 24-000-KF-0107C-000000 Owner: Paul A. Neiman and Alyce E. Neiman Deed Reference: Book 59-M, Page 599 Acreage: 0.90 6. The following parcel shall be rezoned from the present R-3 Residential District to C-Commercial District: Tax Map Parcel: 24-000-34-0134-000000 Owner: Ashcombe Products Company Deed Reference: Book 1790, Page 8585 Acreage to be rezoned: 2.67 acres (more or less) |
2016-05 | 11/28/2016 | The following parcels shall be rezoned from the present R-3 Residential District to R-4 Residential District: 1. Parcel: 24-000-JG-0028.000000 Owner: Copper Chase Apartments, LLC Deed Reference: Book 2373, Page 8300 Address: 2900 Honey Run Drive Acreage to be rezoned: 29.990 acres (more or less) 2. Parcel: 24-000-19-000-1K.000000 Owner: New Creation Community Church (f/n/a Otterbein United Methodist Church) Deed reference: Book 88-O, Page 305 Address: 3005 Emig Mill Road Acreage to be rezoned: .369 acres and .226 acres = .595 acres |
2017-08 | 9/25/2017 | The following parcels shall be rezoned from the present R-1 Residential District to C-Commercial District: 1. Parcels (portions): 24-KF-0043A; 24-KF-0139; 24-000-KF-0139.A Owner: Dover Township Address: 2480 West Canal Road Acreage to be rezoned: 6.177 acres |
2017-09 | 10/23/2017 | The following parcel shall be rezoned from the present R-1 Residential District to the R-3 Residential District: 1. Parcel: 24-000-KG-0098-0000000 Owner: Terra, LLC Deed reference: Book 1858, Page 8467 Acreage to be rezoned: 13.0 acres (more or less) |