9-1-0: Authority And Purpose
9-1-1: Codes Adopted
9-1-2: Amendments To Adopted Codes
9-1-3: Exemptions
9-1-4: Building Official
9-1-5: Manufactured Home Installation Permits
9-1-6: Commercial Coach Installation Permits
9-1-7: Site Plan Requirements And Permit Conditions
9-1-8: Certificate Of Occupancy
9-1-9: Fees
9-1-10: Energizing Authorization
9-1-11: Sewage Disposal Approval
9-1-12: Penalty
9-1-13: Expiration, Abandonment, Terms Of Permit
This chapter is adopted pursuant to authority granted to the City of Dover at Idaho Code title 39, chapter 41, the "Idaho Building Code Act". The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants and users of buildings and structures within the City of Dover by adopting Building Codes that set minimum performance standards and requirements for construction and construction materials, consistent with accepted standards of engineering, fire safety, life safety, and accessibility for those with disabilities. Additionally, the regulations establish minimum codes and standards in terms of performance, energy efficiency, effect upon construction costs, and consistency with nationally accepted standards. (Ord. 154, 12-14-2017, eff. 1-1-2018)
The following nationally recognized codes, as currently adopted by the State of Idaho, together with any amendments, revisions or modifications to those editions made by the Idaho Building Code Board and/or Idaho State Fire Marshal, through the negotiated rulemaking process, along with the later published supplement of such code published by the International Code Council, Inc., are adopted as the official Building, Residential, Energy and Fire Codes for the City, except as provided in section 9-1-2 of this chapter:
A. 2015 edition of the International Building Code, including appendices thereto pertaining to building accessibility, excluding the incorporated Electrical Codes, Mechanical Code, Fuel Gas Code, Plumbing Codes other than specifically referenced subjects or sections of the International Fire Code, and including the incorporated Idaho Residential Code, parts I, II, III, IV and IX; Idaho Energy Conservation Code; and rules promulgated by the board to provide equivalency with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act accessibility guidelines and the Fair Housing Act accessibility guidelines;
B. 2012 International Residential Code, except for parts V, VI, VII, and VIII, as they pertain to mechanical, fuel gas, plumbing, and electrical requirements;
C. 2015 International Energy Conservation Code, with 2012 amendments for residential portion;
D. 2015 International Fire Code, including appendices B, C, D, E and F. (Ord. 154, 12-14-2017, eff. 1-1-2018)