13.14.110 Disputed bills.
   (A)   Amount of use. If a customer disputes the amount of water actually used, the meter shall be read and an examination shall be made to determine if there are any leaks. If no leaks are found, then upon request of the customer, the meter shall be removed and be tested at variable rates of flow. The customer shall be notified of the time and place of such tests and may be present to witness such tests. If the average registration of said meter is more than 2% in excess of the actual quantity of water passing through the meter, the city shall refund to the customer the overcharge for the billing period contested. If the tests show that the meter registration is accurate within 2% or is registering less water than is actually passing through said meter, the customer shall pay the meter testing fee established by resolution of the City Council to cover testing costs.
   (B)   Billing. If a customer asserts that a billing error has been made, staff shall be made available to check and confirm or correct the billed amount before service is turned off for nonpayment. Appropriate notification of this procedure as required by law shall be given to customers at the time notice of shutoff is given under § 13.14.100.
(Ord. 3346 § 5, 2022; Ord. 2918 § 1 (part), 2007.)