13.14.060 Payment Plan Options.
   (A)   Non-profit organizations, homeowners of single-family residential properties that are converting from septic systems to city sewer service, existing single-family residential properties connected to alternate water sources who desire to connect to city water service, and existing industrial customers who are utility customers in good standing who require additional sewer capacity (collectively, “eligible customers”) shall be eligible for participation in a payment plan (“payment plan”) for payment of fees described in § 13.14.050. With respect to non-profit organizations, payment plans shall be available only for that portion of real property owned by a non-profit organization that is used for non-profit purposes (“non-profit property”).
   (B)   A non-profit organization applying for a payment plan, in addition to applying for any other permits required by city ordinance and/or resolution, shall file a verified statement with the Director stating the facts upon which the request for a payment plan is made, including the applicant's qualifications as a non-profit organization. Upon verification of the facts presented in the application, the Director shall grant the non-profit organization permission to enter into a payment plan with the city. For purposes of this section, any final decision made or opinion rendered by any federal or state administrative or judicial body determining that the applicant is a non-profit organization shall be deemed conclusive proof of facts constituting qualification as a non-profit organization.
   (C)   If the Director approves the application for a payment plan, the Director and the eligible customer shall enter into an agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the payment plan, including the payment method and any other terms and conditions which are necessary to carry out the payment plan. The terms and conditions of the Payment Plan shall require payment of the total fees described in § 13.14.050 in equal installments constituting the principal and interest due and owing as of the execution of the payment plan agreement. The length of the term shall be determined by the Director, or his designee. Interest shall accrue on the principal amount at a rate determined by the city's Finance Director. The city shall have discretion to require, as part of the agreement with the applicant, the execution of a promissory note and the furnishing of a security interest in order to secure the obligation set forth in the payment plan agreement.
(Ord. 3346 § 5, 2022; Ord. 2918 § 1(part), 2007.)