135.01   Establishment; Duties of Director
135.02   Monthly Crime Statistics Report to Council
135.021   Annual Reports of the Safety Director
135.03   Medical Reports and Fees
135.04   Administrative Assistants
135.041   Superintendent of Safety Buildings
135.042   Reserved
135.043   Notification of Sexual Offenders
135.05   Injured or Disabled Firemen and Policemen
135.06   Uniform and Equipment for Police and Fire Forces and Civilian Employees
135.061   Uniform Allowances
135.062   Police Promotional Uniform Allowances
135.063   Uniform Maintenance Allowance
135.064   Payment of Clothing Allowance
135.065   Purchase of Firearms, Ammunition, Helmets, Tasers, and K-9 Police Dogs, for the Department of Public Safety
135.07   Compulsory Retirement of Members of Police and Fire Forces
135.071   Maximum Age for Original Appointment to the Divisions of Police and Fire
135.08   Police Division Vacancies; Council Approval of Promotions
135.09   Division of Police
135.091   Expense Fund for Chief of Police
135.092   Agreements with the State of Ohio to Receive Reimbursement for Police Training Programs
135.10   Traffic Control Unit
135.11   Use of the Division of Police’s Firing Range; Fee
135.12   Police Escorts; Fee
135.13   Disclosure of Police Use of Deadly Force Recordings
135.14   Division of Police, Various Positions
135.15   Secretary of Police
135.16   Division of Animal Care and Control; Animal Control Officer; Spay and Neuter Clinic; Fee
135.17   Acceptance of Gifts and Services for the Division of Animal Care and Control
135.18   Special Revenue Fund Established for the Division of Animal Care and Control
135.180   Expenditure of Donated Funds for the Division of Animal Care and Control
135.181   Application for and Acceptance of Rewards under the BP Oil Shield Program
135.19   Refusal to Obey Subpoena or Produce Evidence
135.20   Special Policemen
135.21   Division of Fire
135.22   Reserved
135.23   Secretary of Fire
135.24   Fire Protection outside Territorial Limits
135.25   Application for Fire Protection
135.26   Intermunicipal Fire Protection Agreements
135.27   Other Fire Protection Agreements
135.28   Fee for Fire Protection
135.29   Renewal of Fire Protection Agreements
135.30   Providing Fire Protection to Other Political Subdivisions Upon Authorization of the Director of Public Safety or His or Her Designee
135.31   Location and Assignment of Fire Companies
135.32   Fire Division Working Hours
135.33   Division of Emergency Medical Service
135.331   Duties of Commissioner of Emergency Medical Service
135.332   Emergency Medical Service Charges; Fees
135.34   Police and Fire Forces Wearing Uniforms at Polling Places
135.35   Fire Communication Service for Hospitals, Nursing Homes
135.36   Physical Examination for All Ranks of Police
135.37   Annual Police In-service Training Program
135.38   Attendance Records for In-service Training Program
135.39   Personnel Counselor; Duties and Functions
135.40   Using Services of Local Colleges and Universities
135.41   Medical Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault
135.42   Contracts for Towing, Storage and Disposal of Impounded Motor Vehicles
135.43   Employment of Licensed Medical Professionals
135.44   Safety Reports and Fees
135.45   Motor Vehicle Lease Agreements
135.46   Veterinary Services Agreements
135.47   Emergency Medical Service Clinical Agreements
135.471   College Credit for Police and Fire Personnel
135.48   Charge for County Prisoners Held in City Jail Facilities – Repealed
135.49   Agreements with Cuyahoga County for Shared Use of Criminal Justice-Oriented Information Systems
135.50   Application and Acceptance of Annual Marine Patrol Grant
135.501   Application and Acceptance of Annual Drug Abuse Resistance Education Grant
135.51   Collection of Fees for Training Classes Conducted by the Department of Public Safety
135.52   Rental of Site and Purchase of Refreshments and Mementos for Safety Programs and Events
135.53   Safety Department Call Histories
135.531   Agreements to Share Crime and Safety Information with Residents and Solicit Access and Store Home Camera Footage and Images
135.54   Law Enforcement Automated Data System (LEADS)
135.55   Jail Population Reduction Project – Repealed
135.56   Third Grade Safety Belt Program
135.57   Division of Correction; Duties of Commissioner – Repealed
135.58   Reimbursement for Confinement Costs – Repealed
135.59   Inmate Labor – Repealed
135.60   Contracts with Governments for Care of Persons at Institutions – Repealed
135.61   Home Detention Program; Contract Authority – Repealed
135.62   Uniforms for Correctional Officers – Repealed
135.63   Uniform Maintenance Allowances for the Division of Correction – Repealed
135.64   Treatment of Indigent Alcoholics, Drug Addicts – Repealed
135.65   Correctional Officer Training – Repealed
135.66   Purchase of Clothing, Bedding, and Shoes for Inmates – Repealed
135.67   Purchase of Prescription and Non- prescription Drugs for Inmates – Repealed
135.68   Acceptance of Gifts and Services for the Division of Correction – Repealed
135.69   Establishment of Special Accounts for the Division of Correction – Repealed
135.70   Expenditure of Donated Funds for the Division of Correction – Repealed
135.99   Penalty
Charter reference:
   Classification of police and fire service, Charter § 122
   General provisions for police and fire service, Charter § 115 et seq.
   Powers of Chief of Police, Charter § 116
   Powers of Fire Chief, Charter § 118
   Relief of police and firemen, Charter § 123
   Special policemen, Charter § 117
   Copying police and fire uniforms, CO 615.14
   Failure to aid a law enforcement officer, CO 615.05
   Impersonating a law enforcement officer to defraud, CO 615.09
Statutory reference:
   Appointment of emergency firemen and patrolmen, RC 737.10
   Assistance of State Criminal Bureau, RC 109.51 et seq.
   Composition and control of Fire Division, RC 737.08
   Composition and control of Police Division, RC 737.05
   Contracts, RC 733.22
   Fire protection contracts, RC 307.05, 505.44, 717.02
   General duties and records, RC 737.02 et seq.
   Hours and leave for Police Division, RC 737.07
   Police and fire departments, RC 715.05
   Reductions, suspensions, removals in Police and Fire Divisions, RC 124.34 et seq., 737.12