§ 350.02 Establishing Regulations
   Signs shall be designed, erected, altered, moved, displayed and maintained in accordance with the regulations set forth in this chapter. The provisions of this chapter shall not amend or in any way interfere with the other codes, rules or regulations governing traffic signs within the City.
(Ord. No. 3076-A-89. Passed 12-10-90, eff. 12-20-90)
§ 350.03 Definitions
   As used in this chapter, the terms listed below shall be interpreted according to the following definitions:
   (a)   Sign. Any device, structure, fixture, painting or visual image designed to be seen from an outdoor location and using graphics, symbols, letters or numbers for the purpose of conveying a message or advertising or identifying any establishment, product, goods or service. (A searchlight is not classified as a sign).
   (b)   Sign Panel. A structural object or portion of a structural object designed to form a distinct background area or frame for the display of a sign’s information – including all non-opaque surface area of an internally illuminated canopy or wall panel displaying signage.
   (c)   Unit of a Building. A space occupying a portion of the ground floor of a building, containing an entrance from the building exterior, and separated from other such spaces by a party wall or walls.
   (d)   Freeway. A limited-access or controlled- access public highway characterized by entrance and exit ramps and an absence of traffic signals and stop signs along the main roadway.
   (e)   Signs by Use Type. For the purpose of identifying permitted signs, all signs are classified by use type and defined as follows:
      (1)   Billboard. A sign directing attention to a specific business, product, service, entertainment activity or other commercial activity sold, offered or conducted elsewhere than upon the lot on which the sign is located.
      (2)   Bulletin Board. A sign for the display of announcements of a public or semi-public institution and located on the grounds of that institution.
      (3)   Business Sign. An “identification sign” (as defined below) which also may display such detailed information about the operation of a business as brand names of goods or services offered on the premises, prices or special “sale” information, forms of payment accepted, hours of operation, telephone number or other similar information.
      (4)   Development Sign. A temporary sign announcing a development to be located on the subject property and identifying firms or individuals participating in the development process.
      (5)   Directional Sign. A sign indicating a direction or a location to which pedestrian or vehicular traffic is requested to move.
      (6)   Identification Sign. A sign identifying or naming a building, business, institution, residential development or other use and displaying such other information as the owner, manager and address of the use or building.
      (7)   Information Sign. A sign which presents miscellaneous information or instructions intended to serve the public rather than to promote a business, product or issue and not containing information included in the definition of any other sign.
      (8)   Nameplate. A sign indicating the name, address and/or profession of a person or persons occupying a residence.
      (9)   Political Sign. A temporary sign advocating action on a public issue, indicating a candidate for public office, or expressing an opinion or belief.
      (10)   Real Estate Sign. A temporary sign promoting the rental, sale or lease of property.
      (11)   Temporary Sign. A sign announcing special events or sales, the sale or rental of property, political positions or other matters and intended for use for a limited period of time.
      (12)   Wall Mural. A sign that displays high resolution static or electronic graphic or photographic images, including decorative art and art used in commerce, placed on an unsightly wall of a building, or unsightly roof surface generally parallel to the building wall surface. A wall mural may display words in accordance with Section 350.161 and otherwise shall comply with Section 350.161. A wall mural may depict or direct attention to a specific business, product, service, entertainment activity, or other activity. Wall murals shall not be deemed billboards or wall signs for purposes of Chapters 350 and 341 of this Zoning Code and Chapters 161, 303, 3113, and 317 of the Codified Ordinances.
   (f)   Signs by Structural Type. For the purpose of identifying permitted signs, all signs and particular related objects are classified by structural type and defined as follows:
      (1)   Banner. A temporary sign of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a pole or a building (excluding flags and pennants as defined herein).
      (2)   Changeable Copy Sign (Automatic). A sign or portion thereof on which the copy changes automatically or animation is displayed through electrical or electronic means (e.g., time and temperature units and message centers).
      (3)   Changeable Copy Sign (Manual). A sign or portion thereof on which copy is changed manually through placement of letters or symbols on a sign panel.
      (4)   Canopy Sign. A sign attached to or printed on the fascia or valence of a canopy, awning or marquee or hanging from the soffit (underside) of such structure.
      (5)   Flag. An object, typically of lightweight fabric material, used as a symbol of a government, political entity or nationality group.
      (6)   Flashing Sign. A sign illuminated by intermittent light in a manner designed to attract attention.
      (7)   Free-Standing Sign. A sign which is not attached to a building and which is either attached directly to the ground, placed directly on the ground, displayed on a natural or man-made object (other than a building), or elevated on a pole or other supporting structure attached to the ground.
      (8)   Pennant. An object or sign of lightweight fabric or similar material, suspended from a rope, wire or string, usually in series, and designed to move in the wind, also including streamers, pinwheels, balloons and similar small objects.
      (9)   Portable (Mobile) Sign. A temporary sign which is designed to be moved and is not permanently attached to any part of a building or to the ground.
      (10)   Projecting Sign. A sign erected on the outside wall of a building and projecting out at an angle therefrom.
      (11)   Roof Sign. A sign created upon and completely over the roof of any building.
      (12)   Wall Sign. A sign attached to or displayed or painted on an exterior wall in a manner parallel with the wall surface and not projecting more than sixteen (16) inches from such surface. (A sign mounted on a roof surface which is generally parallel to the wall surface shall also be considered a “wall sign.”)
      (13)   Window Sign. A sign painted on, attached to, or suspended directly behind or in front of a window or the glass portion of a door.
(Ord. No. 1282-06. Passed 11-27-06, eff. 1-6-07)
§ 350.04 Application for Permits
   Application for permits to erect, structurally alter, move or display a sign shall be made to the Department of Building and Housing by the owner (or owner’s agent) of the property for which a sign is proposed, on forms provided by the City, in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Exemptions from Permit Requirement. City permits shall be required for all permanent and temporary signs except as listed below:
      (1)   Normal maintenance, repainting or change of message or sign face which does not alter the size, placement or structure of a sign, except for on-premises signs located in a Design Review District, a Landmark District or on a designated Landmark property, for which a permit shall be required for such repainting or change of sign face;
      (2)   Nameplates and information signs for residential uses;
      (3)   Temporary window signs mounted on the inside window surface;
      (4)   Temporary real estate and development signs not exceeding forty-eight (48) square feet in area;
      (5)   Political signs not exceeding forty-eight (48) square feet in area;
      (6)   Garage sale and real estate open house signs as regulated in division (c) of Section 350.13.
   (b)   Applicability. Regardless of exemptions from the requirement for a permit, all permanent and temporary signs shall be subject to applicable regulations of this Code except for signs listed in Section 350.21.
   (c)   Submission Requirements. With the exception of any requirements determined to be inapplicable in a particular instance by the Director of Building and Housing, the applicant shall submit accurately-scaled elevation drawings and a site plan at a minimum scale of one (1) inch - fifty (50) feet, indicating, in narrative or plan form, the following information:
      (1)   All sign dimensions and sign height;
      (2)   Placement of signs in relation to building edges, roof lines, tenant party walls, windows, doors and other building features as well as in relation to all lot lines, street lines, sidewalks and drives;
      (3)   Construction materials for the signs and sign structure, as well as method of attachment; and
      (4)   Type, intensity, placement and shielding of illumination.
   (d)   Billboards. For billboard applications requiring approval by the State of Ohio, no permit shall be issued by the City prior to submission by the applicant of the approved State permit. In addition, an application for a billboard shall indicate all existing billboards located within a distance of one thousand (1,000) feet or, for a billboard to be placed along a freeway, all existing billboards within a distance of two thousand (2,000) feet. Any application for placement of a billboard along a freeway shall include the name, address and phone number of the company that owns the billboard, including the owners of said company, the name of the company that owns the land where the billboard is located and the name and phone number of a contact person responsible for maintenance of the sign and its site. This information shall be updated and sent to the Clerk of Council by January 31 and July 31 of every year.
   (e)   Temporary Signs. Where required, a permit for a temporary sign shall be issued for a period not exceeding six (6) months unless another display period is specified in Section 350.12 or in other applicable sections of the Codified Ordinances. Permits for real estate and development signs shall be issued for a period not exceeding one (1) year but may be renewed while construction or marketing is pursued diligently. Development signs shall be removed immediately upon placement of a permanent identification sign.
(Ord. No. 846-12. Passed 9-23-13, eff. 9-27-13)
§ 350.05 Measurement Standards
   Sign face area, sign height and sign location, as regulated in this chapter, shall be measured according to the following standards:
   (a)   Sign Face Area. Standards to compute the amount of sign face area permitted by these regulations are established as follows:
      (1)   Measurement of Sign Face Area.
         A.   Panel Signs. Sign face area shall be measured to include the entire surface of the smallest single rectangle enclosing the sign panel. For double- sided projecting or free-standing signs, only one (1) side of the panel shall be included in the measurement if the two (2) sign faces are in parallel arrangement and are separated by no more than three (3) feet. Measurement of a “V-shaped” temporary sign shall also include only one (1) of the two (2) sign faces.
         B.   Non-Panel Signs. Sign face area shall be measured to include the entire area within a single, continuous perimeter composed of not more than three (3) rectangles which enclose the letters or characters of a sign.
      (2)   Measurement of Building and Lot Frontage. The frontage of a building shall be the width of the facade(s) of the building (excluding any roof overhang or non-bearing decorative walls) which faces the principal street or contains the main entrance. If a building is divided into units, the building unit frontage shall be the width of that unit, as measured from the party wall center-lines, on the frontage of the building. The frontage of a lot shall be the width of the lot along the principal street serving a use located on the lot.
      (3)   Measurement of Temporary Window Sign Coverage. In determining the percentage of window area covered by temporary signs (as defined in divisions (e)(11) and (f)(13) of Section 350.03), each facade or side of the building shall be considered separately. Window area shall be measured to include all windows and the glass portions of doors but shall exclude all such area covered by permanent signs or other opaque material.
   (b)   Sign Height. The height of free-standing signs shall be measured from the base of the sign at its point of attachment to the ground to its topmost element. However, if the support of a free-standing sign is attached to a wall or other man-made base, including a graded earth mound, the sign height shall be measured from the grade of the nearest street, drive or parking area, as determined by the Building Commissioner.
   (c)   Sign Location. In determining the location of signs in relation to lot lines (including setback, district and street right-of-way lines), distances shall be measured from the vertical projection of the lot line to the closest point on the sign. For corner lots, two (2) lot lines shall be considered street right-of-way lines.
(Ord. No. 3076-A-89. Passed 12-10-90, eff. 12-20-90)
§ 350.06 Prohibited Signs
   The following types of signs are prohibited in all zoning districts:
   (a)   Strips of pennants, propellers, pinwheels, streamers, balloons and similar small objects except as temporary displays specifically authorized for carnivals and open-air festivals under Section 329.07 and for new businesses under division (c) of Section 350.20;
   (b)   Signs imitating or resembling official traffic or government signs and signals;
   (c)   Signs attached to trees, rocks or natural formations or public property including but not limited to utility poles, benches, trash containers and parking meters, except as specifically authorized by the City;
   (d)   Moving, revolving or flashing signs except as provided in Section 350.10(1)(5), Section 350.16, and Section 350.161 governing wall murals;
   (e)   Signs attached to any condemned structure, as defined in Section 363.29 or any structure condemned or declared a nuisance structure pursuant to Section 3103.09.
(Ord. No. 1282-06. Passed 11-27-06, eff. 1-6-07)