§ 350.04 Application for Permits
   Application for permits to erect, structurally alter, move or display a sign shall be made to the Department of Building and Housing by the owner (or owner’s agent) of the property for which a sign is proposed, on forms provided by the City, in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Exemptions from Permit Requirement. City permits shall be required for all permanent and temporary signs except as listed below:
      (1)   Normal maintenance, repainting or change of message or sign face which does not alter the size, placement or structure of a sign, except for on-premises signs located in a Design Review District, a Landmark District or on a designated Landmark property, for which a permit shall be required for such repainting or change of sign face;
      (2)   Nameplates and information signs for residential uses;
      (3)   Temporary window signs mounted on the inside window surface;
      (4)   Temporary real estate and development signs not exceeding forty-eight (48) square feet in area;
      (5)   Political signs not exceeding forty-eight (48) square feet in area;
      (6)   Garage sale and real estate open house signs as regulated in division (c) of Section 350.13.
   (b)   Applicability. Regardless of exemptions from the requirement for a permit, all permanent and temporary signs shall be subject to applicable regulations of this Code except for signs listed in Section 350.21.
   (c)   Submission Requirements. With the exception of any requirements determined to be inapplicable in a particular instance by the Director of Building and Housing, the applicant shall submit accurately-scaled elevation drawings and a site plan at a minimum scale of one (1) inch - fifty (50) feet, indicating, in narrative or plan form, the following information:
      (1)   All sign dimensions and sign height;
      (2)   Placement of signs in relation to building edges, roof lines, tenant party walls, windows, doors and other building features as well as in relation to all lot lines, street lines, sidewalks and drives;
      (3)   Construction materials for the signs and sign structure, as well as method of attachment; and
      (4)   Type, intensity, placement and shielding of illumination.
   (d)   Billboards. For billboard applications requiring approval by the State of Ohio, no permit shall be issued by the City prior to submission by the applicant of the approved State permit. In addition, an application for a billboard shall indicate all existing billboards located within a distance of one thousand (1,000) feet or, for a billboard to be placed along a freeway, all existing billboards within a distance of two thousand (2,000) feet. Any application for placement of a billboard along a freeway shall include the name, address and phone number of the company that owns the billboard, including the owners of said company, the name of the company that owns the land where the billboard is located and the name and phone number of a contact person responsible for maintenance of the sign and its site. This information shall be updated and sent to the Clerk of Council by January 31 and July 31 of every year.
   (e)   Temporary Signs. Where required, a permit for a temporary sign shall be issued for a period not exceeding six (6) months unless another display period is specified in Section 350.12 or in other applicable sections of the Codified Ordinances. Permits for real estate and development signs shall be issued for a period not exceeding one (1) year but may be renewed while construction or marketing is pursued diligently. Development signs shall be removed immediately upon placement of a permanent identification sign.
(Ord. No. 846-12. Passed 9-23-13, eff. 9-27-13)