§ 341.08 Demolition and Moving
   For applications proposing the demolition or moving of a building in a Design Review District, other than for emergency demolition activities ordered by the Director of the Building and Housing to remedy conditions that pose immediate danger to human life or health, the following provisions shall apply:
   (a)   Criteria for Action. In considering a request to demolish or move a building or other structure located within a Design Review District, the City Planning Commission and its Local Design Review Advisory Committee shall consider the following factors in making its decision to approve or disapprove the request:
      (1)   The architectural and historic significance of the subject building or structure;
      (2)   The significance of the building or structure in contributing to the architectural or historic character of its environs;
      (3)   In the case of a request to move a building or other structure, the relationship between the location of the subject building or structure and its overall significance;
      (4)   The present and potential economic viability of the subject building or structure, given its physical condition and marketability;
      (5)   The presence of conditions on the subject property that are dangerous or are detrimental to the immediate area and cannot be reasonably remedied other than by the proposed demolition;
      (6)   The degree to which the applicant proposes to salvage and facilitate re-use of structures proposed for demolition; and
      (7)   The design quality and significance and the appropriateness of the proposed re-use of the property.
   (b)   Nature of Action. The City Planning Commission may delay action, for a period of not more than six (6) months, on the demolition or moving of a building in order to allow economic viability studies to be conducted, as well as to allow interested parties the opportunity to explore alternatives to the proposed action. At the end of such period, the Commission shall either approve or disapprove the request to demolish or move, or may choose to delay action for a second and final period of not more than six (6) months if the Commission determines that this additional time period may be useful in securing an alternative to the proposed demolition or moving. At the end of such second and final period, the Commission shall either approve or disapprove the request.
(Ord. No. 1827-08. Passed 2-9-09, eff. 2-11-09)