341.01 Purpose
341.02 Applicability
341.021 Lakefront Public Land Protective Districts – Repealed
341.023 University Circle Design District (UCDD)
341.03 Definitions
341.04 Design Review Districts
341.05 Administrative Procedures
341.051 Tree Preservation Plan Required
341.052 Tree Preservation General Requirements
341.053 Civil Penalties for Damaged Trees or Trees Removed Without Approval
341.06 Local Design Review Advisory Committees
341.07 Design Guidelines
341.08 Demolition and Moving
Design Review requirements and districts are established to ensure appropriate design of buildings and properties in furtherance of the following objectives:
(a) To protect property values and to preserve and enhance the character of existing neighborhoods and development;
(b) To promote economic activity and increase municipal revenues;
(c) To enhance the visual image of Cleveland and its neighborhoods and downtown;
(d) To preserve the community’s architectural assets; and
(e) To protect the environment and facilitate healthy living.
(Ord. No. 1827-08. Passed 2-9-09, eff. 2-11-09)
No Building Permit shall be issued by the City without design approval by the City Planning Commission, or its Director, for development projects that meet the following criteria for applicability, except that such approval shall not apply to structures that are designated as Landmarks or are located in Landmark Districts, for which design approval shall be the responsibility of the Landmarks Commission.
(a) Design Review Districts. New construction of and applicable exterior alterations to buildings and structures located in designated Design Review Districts.
(b) New Residential Development. New construction of residential buildings, including any new building for which residential use and associated accessory garage parking occupy at least fifty percent (50%) of the building.
(c) New Retail, Office and Institutional Development. New construction of buildings for “retail business, office and institutional uses,” as defined in this chapter, including any new building for which such uses and associated accessory garage parking occupy at least fifty percent (50%) of the building.
(d) Public Properties. New construction of and applicable exterior alterations to buildings and structures owned by local, county, state or federal government or by any other governmental agency, including regulated public utilities.
(e) Planned Unit Development (PUD) Districts. New construction of buildings and structures located in designated Planned Unit Development (PUD) Districts.
(Ord. No. 1827-08. Passed 2-9-09, eff. 2-11-09)
§ 341.02 Applicability (effective 3-15-24)
No Building Permit shall be issued by the City without design approval by the City Planning Commission, or its Director, for development projects that meet the following criteria for applicability, except that such approval shall not apply to structures that are designated as Landmarks or are located in Landmark Districts, for which design approval shall be the responsibility of the Landmarks Commission.
(a) Design Review Districts. New construction of and applicable exterior alterations to buildings and structures located in designated Design Review Districts.
(b) New Residential Development. New construction of residential buildings, including any new building for which residential use and associated accessory garage parking occupy at least fifty percent (50%) of the building.
(c) New Retail, Office and Institutional Development. New construction of buildings for "retail business, office and institutional uses," as defined in this chapter, including any new building for which such uses and associated accessory garage parking occupy at least fifty percent (50%) of the building.
(d) Public Properties. New construction of and applicable exterior alterations to buildings and structures owned by local, county, state or federal government or by any other governmental agency, including regulated public utilities.
(e) Planned Unit Development (PUD) Districts. New construction of buildings and structures located in designated Planned Unit Development (PUD) Districts.
(f) Transit Oriented Development Projects. Any land use development, including new construction, that changes or expands the use(s) on a parcel of land entirely or partially within the Transit Oriented Development Zone, as defined in Section 301.02 of these Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 801-2023. Passed 8-16-23, eff. 3-15-24)