In a Shopping Center District the following buildings and uses are permitted:
(a) All uses permitted and as regulated in a Local Retail Business District;
(b) The sale of general merchandise, including sale of department stores;
(c) Banks.
(Ord. No. 1144-51. Passed 6-25-51, eff. 6-28-51)
A University (College) Retail District is established in order to provide a zoning use district in which retail uses that relate to the university or college needs may be located as compatible land uses. This District is provided with adequate regulatory controls to protect the surrounding development.
(Ord. No. 1501-72. Passed 4-9-73, eff. 4-12-73)
In a University (College) Retail District the following buildings and uses are permitted:
Antique shops;
Art galleries;
Barber shops and beauty parlors;
Bicycle rental and repair shops;
Coffee houses;
Coin and stamp stores;
Coin-operated dry cleaners and laundries;
Dressmaking and tailoring shops;
Eating and drinking establishments for the sale of food, beer or wine for consumption on the premises;
Gift shops;
Musical instrument repair shops;
Private clubs without living accommodations;
Small appliance, radio and television repair shops, including cameras and typewriters;
Watch and clock repair shops;
Wood, leather and metal craftshops;
Accessory uses related to a university or college.
(Ord. No. 826-87. Passed 6-16-87, eff. 6-19-87)
No University (College) Retail District shall be established unless at the time of the introduction of an ordinance therefor, a comprehensive development plan for such area has been approved by the Planning Commission. The comprehensive development plan submitted to the Commission for approval shall contain the following information:
(a) The extent, boundaries and area of the proposed district, and the ownership or control of the properties therein;
(b) The size and location on the lot of existing and proposed buildings;
(c) The size and location of all off-street parking areas;
(d) The size and location of any signs.
(Ord. No. 1501-72. Passed 4-9-73, eff. 4-12-73)