Each accessory off-street parking space shall have a minimum unobstructed area of three hundred (300) square feet. Where driveways are required to provide accessibility to the parking spaces, they shall have an unobstructed width of at least twenty (20) feet.
(Ord. No. 1903-59. Passed 12-14-59, eff. 12-16-59)
(a) Accessory off-street parking spaces, driveways and maneuvering areas shall be properly graded for drainage so that all water is drained within the lot providing such parking spaces, surfaced with concrete, asphaltic concrete, asphalt or similar surfacing material, maintained in good condition and free of debris and trash.
(b) Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided with wheel or bumper guards that are so located that no part of a parked vehicle will extend beyond such parking space.
(c) The driveway used to provide accessibility to accessory off-street parking spaces shall be so located and arranged to minimize traffic congestion.
(1) Only one (1) such driveway shall be permitted for each one hundred (100) feet of frontage of the use providing such parking spaces.
(2) The center line of such driveway shall be at least thirty (30) feet from the right-of-way line of any intersecting street where the driveways and intersecting street are on the same side of a street.
(3) The maximum width of such driveway shall be thirty (30) feet measured at right angles to the angle of the driveway entrance. Such driveway shall have an apron of six (6) feet radius at the curb, and provide a means for motor vehicles to enter and leave the parking facilities without obstructing traffic.
(Ord. No. 1903-59. Passed 12-14-59, eff. 12-16-59)
(a) "Recreational vehicle" means a vehicular portable structure designed solely for the purpose of recreational travel, that is not used for engaging in business for profit or for intrastate commerce, and includes but is not limited to: a boat, boat on a trailer, boat trailer, jet ski and raft and associated equipment for transport on a public roadway, travel trailer, motor home, pick-up camper, folding tent trailer, and a licensed private trailer intended to haul personal property.
(b) Recreational vehicles shall not be parked in a residential district, including on a public roadway, except:
(1) when the recreational vehicle owned or used by the occupants of the premises is stored on the premises in a closed garage; storage of a recreational vehicle shall not be in the open air, except as provided in division (b)(2) below.
(2) No more than one (1) recreational vehicle owned or used by the occupants of the premises may occupy no more than one (1) improved open air parking surface located in a rear yard of the premises provided that:
A. the parking space is surfaced with concrete, asphaltic concrete, asphalt or other surfacing materials approved by the Director of Building and Housing, and maintained in good condition and free of debris and trash;
B. the recreational vehicle shall not have fixed connections to electricity, water, gas or sanitary sewer facilities and at no time shall the recreational vehicle be used for living or housekeeping purposes on the premises;
C. the recreational vehicle must be kept in good repair and workable condition and, where applicable, must carry a current year's license plate and registration;
D. the recreational vehicle shall be limited to thirty (30) feet in length from end to end, not including any hitch or attachment; and
E. the recreational vehicle shall be adequately screened in accordance with the Table Containing Uses Requiring Other Screening or Landscaping in Section 352.10 of this Zoning Code, note a. of said Table notwithstanding, except that no screening shall exceed six (6) feet in height.
(3) A recreational vehicle may be parked in a parking or driveway area anywhere on the premises for loading or unloading purposes for a period of not more than forty-eight (48) hours in any consecutive twenty-one (21) day period.
(Ord. No. 98-2022. Passed 9-26-22, eff. 10-26-22)