(Ord. No. 1903-59. Passed 12-14-59, eff. 12-16-59)
Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the requirements set forth in the following table:
Required Accessory Off-Street Parking Spaces
Required Accessory Off-Street Parking Spaces
Apartment houses | 1 for each dwelling unit. |
Apartment hotels | 1 for each dwelling unit, plus 1 for each 2 rented sleeping rooms, plus 1 for each 2 employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period. |
Medical or dental offices | 5 for each doctor or dentist, plus 1 for each 2 employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period; or 1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater. |
Other professional and administrative offices | 1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area. |
Hospitals and sanitariums | 1 for each bed, plus 1 for each staff doctor, plus 1 for each 3 other employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period. |
Accessory ethical pharmacy | 1 for each employee or operator expected on the premises during the largest work shift period. |
Clinics | 1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area. |
Homes for the aged, convalescent, rest and nursing homes and orphanages | 1 for each staff member, including doctors and nurses, plus 1 for each 3 other employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period, plus 1 for each 6 beds. |
Schools: | (See also requirements for auditoriums, gymnasiums and stadiums.) |
Junior High | 1 for each 2 staff members and other employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period. |
Senior High | 1 for each 2 staff members and other employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period, plus 1 for each 12 seats in a classroom, based on planned classroom activity. |
Colleges and Universities | 1 for each 2 staff members and other employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period, plus 1 for each 10 seats in a classroom based on planned classroom activity. |
Dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses | 1 for each 4 beds, plus 1 for the operator or manager living on the premises, plus 1 for each other employee expected on the premises during the largest work shift period. |
Police and fire stations and other governmental administrative buildings and public utility buildings | 2 for each 3 employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period. |
Libraries and museums | 1 for each employee expected on the premises during the largest work shift period, plus 1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area. |
Kindergartens, day nurseries, children’s boarding homes and otherchild care centers | 1 for each 2 staff members and other employees expected on the premises during the largest work shift period. |
Auditoriums, gymnasiums and stadiums | 1 for each 6 seats or total parking area equal to 3 times the gross floor area, whichever is greater. Where there are no fixed seats, each 24 inches of bench space shall be considered 1 seat. Where there are no seats or benches, each 20 square feet of floor area usable for seating shall be considered 1 seat. |
Research laboratories | 1 for each employee expected on the premises during the largest work shift period, or total parking space equal to 25% of the gross floor area, whichever is greater. |
Lodges | Total parking space equal to 1/2 of gross floor area. |
For the purpose of determining the amount of accessory off-street spaces required, “gross floor area” means the total area of all the floors in a building or structure, excluding basement space used for storage or utilities, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls.
(Ord. No. 1903-59. Passed 12-14-59, eff. 12-16-59)
Except as provided by this section, the required accessory off-street parking space shall be located on the same lot as the use for which it is provided. All such parking spaces shall be located behind the setback building line. No such parking space shall be located within ten (10) feet of any wall of a building or structure if such wall contains ground floor openings designed to provide light or ventilation for such building structure.
The Board of Zoning Appeals may permit as a special exception the location of required accessory off-street parking spaces on a separate lot if the Board finds all of the following:
(a) That there is no way to provide such parking spaces on the same lot as the use;
(b) That for a permitted apartment house, such parking spaces are within two hundred (200) feet of or for any other permitted use, within four hundred (400) feet of the nearest boundary of the lot upon which the use is located measured by a straight line between the two (2) points;
(c) That the separate lot upon which such parking spaces are provided is in the same ownership as the permitted use, and is subject to deed restrictions recorded in the office of the County Recorder binding the owner, his or her heirs and assigns to maintain and provide for the required number of such parking spaces throughout the life of such use in accordance with the provisions of this Zoning Code; and
(d) That the Commissioner of Traffic Engineering and Parking has caused a study to be made of the proposed location and finds that safe and adequate access can be provided and that the potential traffic will not be injurious or detrimental to the adjoining streets.
(Ord. No. 1903-59. Passed 12-14-59, eff. 12-16-59)
Accessory off-street parking spaces required of two (2) or more uses located on the same lot or parcel may be combined and used jointly by such uses, provided that the parking spaces provided shall be equal to the total number of accessory off-street parking spaces required by all such uses.
(Ord. No. 1903-59. Passed 12-14-59, eff. 12-16-59)
Each accessory off-street parking space shall have a minimum unobstructed area of three hundred (300) square feet. Where driveways are required to provide accessibility to the parking spaces, they shall have an unobstructed width of at least twenty (20) feet.
(Ord. No. 1903-59. Passed 12-14-59, eff. 12-16-59)
(a) Accessory off-street parking spaces, driveways and maneuvering areas shall be properly graded for drainage so that all water is drained within the lot providing such parking spaces, surfaced with concrete, asphaltic concrete, asphalt or similar surfacing material, maintained in good condition and free of debris and trash.
(b) Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided with wheel or bumper guards that are so located that no part of a parked vehicle will extend beyond such parking space.
(c) The driveway used to provide accessibility to accessory off-street parking spaces shall be so located and arranged to minimize traffic congestion.
(1) Only one (1) such driveway shall be permitted for each one hundred (100) feet of frontage of the use providing such parking spaces.
(2) The center line of such driveway shall be at least thirty (30) feet from the right-of-way line of any intersecting street where the driveways and intersecting street are on the same side of a street.
(3) The maximum width of such driveway shall be thirty (30) feet measured at right angles to the angle of the driveway entrance. Such driveway shall have an apron of six (6) feet radius at the curb, and provide a means for motor vehicles to enter and leave the parking facilities without obstructing traffic.
(Ord. No. 1903-59. Passed 12-14-59, eff. 12-16-59)