§ 315.03 Notice of Public Hearing
   The Planning Commission shall give notice of the public hearing required in this chapter once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the City Record and in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation in the locality or in such additional manner as may be required by regulation of the agency of the Federal government concerned therewith, when Federal financial assistance is required, which publication shall be commenced not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the public hearing. However, within the proposed community development area, neighborhood development area, in the instance of a parcel of land specifically designated for treatment, which treatment may include but not be limited to land acquisition, demolition or redevelopment of structures, site improvements or any combination thereof, which parcel may be denominated as “action areas”, a notice for the hearing shall be mailed to the last known owner of the parcel of land or at the last known address of such owners as shown by the records of the County Auditor not less than ten (10) days prior to the public hearing.
(Ord. No. 69-69. Passed 4-28-69, eff. 4-29-69)