321.01 Department of Community Development – Designated Local Public Agency
321.02 Director of Community Development to Apply for Financial Assistance
321.03 Rental of Field Offices
321.04 Appraisal, Title, Professional Services and Negotiations
321.05 Evaluation of Relocation Payments and Direct Loss Claims
321.06 Collection of Delinquent Rents
321.07 Selection and Payment of Professional Consultants
321.08 Contracts for Demolition of Existing Buildings and Structures
321.09 Demolition of Unsafe Buildings
321.10 Owner’s Consent for Demolition
321.11 Payment for Demolition
321.12 Project Agreements
321.13 Advertisement for Bids
321.14 Contents of Advertisement
321.15 Basis of Award of Bid
321.16 Rehabilitation and Relocation Housing
321.17 Contents of Project Agreement
321.18 Conveyance of Premises
321.19 Project Agreement for Sites Not Acquired
321.20 Ratification of Prior Proceedings
Council’s approval of community development plan is authority for expenditures, CO 317.03
Duties of Director of Community Development, CO 137.02
Enforcement of standards and controls in plan, CO 317.04
Neighborhood conservation area designation, CO 323.02
Neighborhood conservation plan to prevent recurrence of substandard conditions, CO 323.06
Council’s approval of community development plan is authority for expenditures, CO 317.03
Duties of Director of Community Development, CO 137.02
Enforcement of standards and controls in plan, CO 317.04
Neighborhood conservation area designation, CO 323.02
Neighborhood conservation plan to prevent recurrence of substandard conditions, CO 323.06
The Department of Community Development is hereby designated the local public agency, for the purpose of exercising the powers of the City relating to urban redevelopment, renewal, development, rehabilitation and conservation, not required by the Charter or these Codified Ordinances to be exercised by Council or by any other officer, office or department of the City, necessary to be exercised in the performance of any obligation assumed pursuant to an agreement with the Federal government, or any other public or private agency, for the elimination of slums and the renewal and prevention of conditions of blight or deterioration within the City.
(Ord. No. 1492-66. Passed 12-12-66, eff. 12-14-66)
The Department of Community Development shall administer the plan adopted and approved as provided in the Charter and these Codified Ordinances. If the ordinance approving the plan finds that assistance of the Federal government or other public agency is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken, including, but not limited to, the financing of the costs of acquisition, clearance and site improvement of the land within the development area in accordance with the plan, the Director of Community Development shall have authority to make application to such agency for financial assistance and to do and perform such things and acts as may be necessary for such purposes.
(Ord. No. 1492-66. Passed 12-12-66, eff. 12-14-66)