10.20.110   Curb markings - Yellow loading zones.
   A.   Any portion of a public street adjoining a curb which is painted yellow is designated as a yellow loading zone. Except as hereinafter provided by this section, no person shall park or otherwise stop or stand vehicles within any portion of a public street which has been designated as a yellow loading zone by the city council, traffic committee or director in the manner hereinbefore authorized by this title and which has been identified as a loading zone by an adjoining yellow curb.
   B.   Vehicles may be parked in a yellow loading zone for the following purposes:
      1.   The operator of any vehicle may park the vehicle in a yellow loading zone for a period of time not exceeding three minutes for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers and personal baggage.
      2.   The operator of a commercial vehicle and a vehicle engaged in the delivery of the United States mail may park the vehicle in a yellow loading zone for a period of time not exceeding 20 minutes or such shorter period of time as may be designated on the curb marking for the purposes of loading and unloading merchandise and other items or materials, the pickup or delivery of parcel post or express packages and mail, and the delivery of the United States mail.
      3.   The operator of a noncommercial vehicle used for purposes of loading or unloading merchandise by the owner or proprietor of a business may park such vehicle within a yellow loading zone for such purposes for a period of time not exceeding 20 minutes or such shorter period of time as may be designated on the curb marking if authorized by a loading zone permit issued by the administrative services director. The city council shall, by resolution, establish a fee to be paid by an applicant for a loading zone permit, the type of insignia to be issued by the administrative services director to identify the vehicle for which the permit is issued, the place on the vehicle where the permit is to be affixed and the term of the permit.
(Ord. 2119, Ord. 2364 §117, Ord. 2439 §78)