1.14.210   Summary nuisance abatement.
   Where the director determines that the nuisance conditions exist on real property located in the city, that the owner of such property is unavailable or has failed or refused to abate such nuisance after having been personally served with a request to abate same, that the nuisance constitutes a substantial and immediate threat to the public health or safety, and that any further delay in abating the nuisance would pose an unreasonable risk of harm to persons or property, the director may cause the nuisance to be summarily abated in the manner hereinbefore provided by this chapter without a nuisance abatement order issued by an administrative hearing officer in the manner hereinbefore required by this chapter. In the event the director causes a nuisance to be summarily abated in the manner authorized by this section, the director shall prepare a written report setting forth the costs of abatement and justification for such summary abatement procedures. The director shall forward such report to the city manager no later than ten days after completion of all nuisance abatement work. To recover abatement costs incurred pursuant to a summary nuisance abatement, the director shall follow the relevant procedures contained in Sections 1.14.110 through 1.14.200, and the absence of a nuisance abatement order shall not preclude the director from commencing assessment proceedings pursuant to Section 1.14.110.
(Ord. 1891 (part), Ord. 2012 §3 (part), Ord. 2364 §17, Ord. 2592 §1 (part))