9.44.010   Congestion on sidewalks.
   Except when authorized by a permit issued pursuant to Title 14 of this code, it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct the free passage of traffic upon any sidewalk. Authority is hereby given to the chief of police and designees, when there is any gathering or crowd upon the sidewalk which is obstructing the free and uninterrupted passage of pedestrians thereon, to direct such traffic, which authority shall exist during the entire time of such congestion. When crowds gather on the sidewalk in front of a theater or any other public place, the council is given authority to designate where such crowd shall stand, and may give notice thereof, by causing the erection of markers or other signs, and it shall be unlawful for any person in such crowd to disobey such markers and signs and also to disobey the directions given by the chief of police and designees.
(Prior code § 23.3 (Ord. 224 §360. Ord. 532 §48, Ord. 1871 §l), Ord. 2268)