8.32.040   Exemptions.
   The prohibition set forth in section 8.32.030 shall not apply in any of the following situations:
   A.   The operation of a U.S.EPA Phase II certified wood burning device, including a pellet stove, provided that the visible emissions do not exceed No. 1 on the Ringelmann chart, or 20 percent opacity, for:
      1.   One period of not more than twenty minutes within any consecutive four hour period during the start up of a new fire.
      2.   One period of not more than six consecutive minutes within any one-hour period that does not include the start up of a new fire.
   B.   The use of a wood burning device when no gas, liquid or electrical service heating system is installed in the structure and the wood burning device is the sole source of interior heat for the structure.
   C.   The use of a wood burning device when electrical power service is not available, during times of temporary service outages.
   D.   The use of manufactured logs in open fireplaces.
(Ord. 2425)