A. Application for a cardroom license shall be made to the director upon such form as the director may prescribe. Such application shall include, among other things, the following:
1. The names and addresses of all persons financially interested in the business proposing to operate a cardroom. “Persons financially interested” shall include all persons who share, directly or indirectly, in the income of the business on the basis of gross or net revenue;
2. Previous criminal records, if any, of the applicant and of all persons financially interested in the business;
3. Physical descriptions of the applicant and of all persons financially interested in the business.
B. Such application shall be certified as to its correctness by the applicant under penalty of perjury.
C. On receipt of a completed city application form, the director shall issue the applicant a cardroom license subject to the following provisions:
1. No cardroom license shall be issued, re-issued, or renewed unless the cardroom is located or proposed to be located in a zoning district in which cardrooms are a permitted use and a valid use permit has been obtained for the cardroom as authorized by the zoning regulations;
2. No cardroom license shall be issued unless the applicant and all persons financially interested have been fingerprinted and approved by the Chico police department.
3. No cardroom may be located near any unsuitable area, as specified in the Gambling Control Act.
(Ord. 1249 §1 (part), Ord. 2113 §1, Ord. 2173 §2, Ord. 2177, Ord. 2203)(Ord. 2430 §1, Ord. 2439 §48)