3.85.520   Annual adjustment to park facility fees.
   A.   Adjustment to Basic Park Facility Fee. If, on July first following the city council's adoption of a resolution establishing the amount of the basic park facility fee to be assessed and levied pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or on July first of any year thereafter, there has been an increase in the cost of acquiring and/or developing community park facilities, linear park and greenway facilities, and/or neighborhood park facilities within the city, the city manager, without any further action by the city council, shall increase the basic park facility fee, and where appropriate, the park facility fee credits hereinafter provided for by this chapter in an amount proportional to the increase in such costs. The determination of whether there has been an increase in the cost of acquiring and/or developing community park facilities, linear park and greenway facilities, and/or neighborhood park facilities within the city and the amount of the increase in the park facility fee or park facility fee credits which is proportional to the increase in such costs shall be made by the city manager and shall be based exclusively on the following:
      1.   The determination of whether there has been an increase in the cost of acquiring and developing park facilities other than the cost of acquiring parkland and the amount of the increase in the basic park facility fee or basic park facility fee credits which is proportional to the increase in such cost, shall be based on the net percentage increase during the preceding year in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for San Francisco (based on 1913 U.S. average = 100) as published in the Engineering News Record/McGraw Hill Construction Weekly.
      2.   The determination of whether there has been an increase in the cost of acquiring parkland and the amount of the basic park facility fee or basic park facility fee credits which is proportional to such increased cost, shall be based on the best available data pertaining to increases in the price of land in the city during the previous year.
   B.   Adjustment to Bidwell Park Land Acquisition Fee. There shall be no annual increase in this fee due to fee calculation only including debt service payments from prior acquisition(s). Fees reflect collection of funds to pay off this debt service only.
(Ord. 1956 §1 (part), Ord. 2290 §4, Ord. 2521 §21)