3.85.110   Findings.
   In adopting this chapter, the city council finds that as a result of new development occurring on residential and nonresidential property located within the city, the city will be required to make substantial improvements to the city's transportation facilities, storm drainage facilities and park facilities; will be required to construct a number of new buildings to be used by the city in providing fire protection services, police protection services and general governmental services; and will be required to acquire a significant quantity of new equipment used in maintaining such facilities and providing such services, all in order to meet the needs of the additional persons who will reside or be employed on such property, while also maintaining existing levels of service currently provided to persons already residing or employed within the city. The city council also finds that because of existing legal constraints, it is no longer feasible to fund the cost of such facilities, buildings and equipment with local property tax revenues as was the case in years past. Accordingly, the city council finds that it is necessary and proper to authorize the transportation facility fees, storm drainage facility fees, park facility fees and building and equipment fees provided for by this chapter which will be assessed and levied on the owners of residential and nonresidential property located in the city commencing to use such property for a residential or nonresidential purpose, expanding the use of any part of the property devoted to a residential or nonresidential use, or changing the use of the property from its existing use to a different use, all at the time and in the manner provided by this chapter, and which will be used to fund construction and installation or acquisition of the transportation facilities, storm drainage facilities, park facilities and buildings and equipment required to meet the needs of the additional persons residing or employed on the property, also within the time and in the manner provided by this chapter.
(Ord. 1956 §1 (part))